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Do Black People Have An Issue With Domestic Violence?

Total Votes: 71

  • PrinceLeron - 10 years ago

    No it is not a black issue but black people seem to be the only group foolish enough to discuss in it public. Maybe saying "foolish" is harsh and it is really a lack of savvy that black men possess when discussing certain issues. All the issues that Kyle(the previous commenter) stated are huge in the white community as well. Republicans are fighting hard to make sure that women's rights are limited. Although I have noticed that white men will publicly place blame on a rape victim but will not do it for victims of domestic abuse.

  • Kyle - 10 years ago

    While I'm not sure if black people are the only ones with issues pertaining to domestic violence, ( I do know that racism seems to play a part. It seems some of these black men are extremely frustrated with the lack of power they have in their lives. And, abusing black women makes them feel powerful and in control. Still, there is another factor people aren't talking about.

    Rod mentioned that he thinks some men are angry at the fact that woman have progressed some much over the years. I think some black men are both angry and jealous of the fact that black women have achieved so much. I literally hear five percenters on youtube say that society is helping black women get a head in life forsaking black men. And of course some bitter black men are nodding their heads in agreement. what these men need to realize is that instead of abusing black women they need to swallow their pride and ask for some help, because there plenty of black women willing to support a black man .

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