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Who you got? Israel Of Palestine

Total Votes: 51

  • PrinceLeron - 10 years ago

    I understand that Hamas is a problem but Israel is racking up on civilian bodies. I live in the comments section and people are ripping each other apart. If you show any sympathy for Palestine, all of your replies are about you being an anti-Semite. Most people that want them problems. Rihanna and Dwight Howard erased there comments with the quickness. I one thing I have noticed is that black people don't react to being called an anti-Semite the same way white and Arab people do. Niggas will keep posting but other groups stop commenting once they are accused.

  • Freezer - 10 years ago

    I've burned a few brain cells trying to frame what I know about the Gaza thing into an understandable context. And what I've come with is this: The whole thing is like the height of the crack epidemic: The Israelis are the LAPD, Hamas are the drug dealers and the Palestinian people are the folks in the hood, caught in the middle and just trying to get by. No reasonable person is going to be cheering on the drug dealers But at the same time their going to see the police's actions as problematic at best and criminal overkill at worst.

    I realize the comparison isn't quite perfect - mostly because Nino Brown wasn't directing his people to destroy the NYPD and throw shots at them every chance they got - but I hope that helps put things in some sort of context.

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