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Do You Find the Tweet Offensive?

Total Votes: 12,283

  • DPM - 10 years ago

    all the judgemental, fire and brimstone bible thumpers on here need to reread the new testament and concentrate on compassion vs giving all the misinformed, uneducated, back seat driver, wanna be shink analogies on someone who is suffering from severe depression. people who are suicidal aren't thinking rationally and all this hateful backlash calling them selfish and preaching god is very UNgodlike and JC is ashamed of all of you for your lack of understanding and compassion. crack a psychology book and study mental illness, you will need to get down off your high horse first however...

  • Bozena Vujcic - 10 years ago

    As I study Suicide over Natal Chart from the people, there are certain aspects that show death by suicide. So, if somebody is thinking about prevention of Suicide, he is wrong. Suicide is written in our Stars.
    What has to happen is going to happen.

  • D. Alan Curry - 10 years ago

    It seems to me that the major tragedy comes before the suicide and is the cause of it. I have been at a place where I didn't care if I lived or died-but I wasn't hopeless enough to carry through.

  • KH - 10 years ago

    I believe this all can be debated for her offer. No one understands when people take their lives and no one understands why people commit suicide and some of us do. Some of us have had bouts of depression where you can't see the day of light. You don't want to visit or see anybody. It's so gut wrenching and so sad that you feel is if you can't breathe.

  • PHIL - 10 years ago

    As someone who has lost his mother to suicide, I feel that it is offensive but I know it was not intentional.
    Suicide is a very selfish act. We do not know anything except the wreckage that is left behind. After seeing first hand the pain that is caused by this act, there is no way of putting a positive spin on it. Why is murder unacceptable unless you are murdering yourself? Killing is never the answer, even if it is yourself. I have been tempted to kill myself (I inherited the depression gene) but my LORD has let me know that if I was to do this, I am saying I know better than Him (which I do not). God has a purpose for each of our lives and even our troubles in this life are for a purpose, to conform us to the image of His Son.

  • Carolyn O'Neal Douglas - 10 years ago

    I don't think the tweet was offensive, and definitely not meant to be. While suicide is something that none of us want to experience with someone we love, no one wants to intentionally glorify it. I think when they said that Robin was free, like the genie, they were talking about the fact that he was gone, not the method in which he left. I loved Robin Williams with all my heart because I believed that he was a very kind, and humane man. I am sorry that his life was filled with the problematic issues that I learned he had. I wish that he could have overcome them. However, no one can deny that he is free, free from all life's troubles that many of us experience at one time or another. Robin, for years you felt like a personal friend. I loved you the way I did a close friend or family member. I will always love you, and you will be missed! My prayers to your family.

  • jessica - 10 years ago

    I think that it was offensive. I also think we have to be careful of the messages that we send out. Suicide is never the answer. Everyone, suffers from depression at one time or another. That's when it's important to have a strong support system. Family, friends or even just someone who suffers the same situation who can relate without judgement. We often get rapped up in the hipe of life, and fail to deal with reality. One thing that I realize about the media and about our society, is that we judge and critize entertainers when their 15min of fame is over. When they are suffering from illnesses, drug abuse, depression or even dealing with the illnesses that normally come with growing old; We allow the media to belittle them and treat them like the issues are unbareable. But, these are things that people face everyday. I also suffer from depression. I have a good support system, and when that don't work I go shopping or to the gym. I also put my faith in GOD and not people. So, for that reason I know that everyday is a new day. A new beginning. I pray that Robin William's family and friends find peace and closure.

  • Marilyn Gabriel - 10 years ago

    Yes, I think it is very offensive, for it is a message to others who can't seem to cope with life that this would give them a sense of being free. God do not want us to chose to end our life. I cannot be the judge of God to say that his soul will be free. I believe in God and the faith of Christianity. Christianity instills that there is hope for eternal life. He blessed us with this life and only he has the power to take your life-you do not make the decision to take your life. There is hope that God will give you the strength to overcome an illness or any roadblock in your life. He wants you to have trust and faith then see that he will give you peace, love, and happiness even when you may be still have an illness or problems. Your soul will rest in peace. He will say well done, my faithful servant. Thats why we sing what joy that day will be when everyday will be like Sunday! Oh, Hallelujah!

  • Liam - 10 years ago

    Offensive? i don't think so, it was meant well. But I do consider it irresponsible, and mthat should be the question in the poll. Do you consider it irresponsible? Yes or No. That is the issue here. RW rests in peace but there are many other people still suffering. We are in another great depression era, whether we accept it or not, and this is what happens. He was in financial problems, downsizing and an illness like that would bankrupt him, and I want to believe that he loved his family so much that he did not want them to go through years of anguish and suffering trying to keep him alive longer. I don't agree with suicide as a solution but that as abortion, is a very personal decission and nobody has the right to judge nor condemned it.

  • Amos - 10 years ago

    If Robin had gone up to a man and shot him in the face it would have been murder. He murdered himself and now he is a hero??? What is wrong with this sick picture?? MURDER IS MURDER NO MATTER WHO YOU MURDER. In fact till it use to be called SELF MURDER until the stigma was removed. Guess what? It is still murder no matter what you call it.

  • rudy - 10 years ago

    I am glad he is dead. He wanted to be dead so he should be allowed to be dead. it's nobody else's business.

  • herrbrahms - 10 years ago

    Except that suicide *is* an option and *is* a human right. There's very much an attitude of, "hush, hush, if we stop talking about suicide, nobody will ever consider it." Nothing could be further from the truth.

    The best thing you can do to prevent suicide is to present unvarnished interviews with people who attempted suicide but failed. I remember reading the words of a man who survived a jump from the Golden Gate Bridge. He said that in the instant he jumped, he had a moment of clarity. All the problems in his life had solutions.....all the problems, that is, except for having just jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge.

    Suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem, but what do you say to people whose problems are permanent? Do they owe it to everyone else to stick around?

  • James Cousineau - 10 years ago

    Any incident of suicide is tragic. Any suicide that may inspire conversation, understanding and education is still tragic but at least may inspire further awareness and prevent further suicides. I know first hand and appreciate the awareness that comes after a tragedy we could not have prevented any longer.

  • Tom - 10 years ago

    It's definitely not offensive. Unless you suffered from this disease and you come to the conclusion that taking your own life is is a much better conclusion then what your mind is putting you through you'll never understand.

  • Mae - 10 years ago

    I work in mental health and have clients that are depressed and have attempted suicide. Since RW's death, I have had to do some intervention with a client over this. Suicide is contagious, especially when it is done by celebrities who people admire.
    Suicide doesn't free anyone. It imprisons family and friends in shock, grief, anger, and guilt. It is a very selfish act, and can cause other deaths. Please, if you are depressed, don't hesitate to get help.

  • Eddie - 10 years ago

    Although I understand the concerns I thought the tweet had no bad intentions. Mr. Williams made a decision for his own reasons. God knows I am not in the position to judge his decision not having walked in his shoes. I like many wish that he had decided to live but it should have been in a way he could find acceptible.

  • Sergio Furtado - 10 years ago

    It is certainly not appropriate. We don't know the motivations behind his decision, and relating his outcome to the Genie's it's sort of inconsiderate to Mr.Williams. Although I'm sure no harm was meant. But in the movie freedom was a joyful reward, I can not say that I know that Mr.Williams was looking forward to what he did, or that he was seeking freedom or joy. Perhaps he felt obliged, I don't know. But such a tweet chiefly supports the "option" of suicide as sometime positive, and suicide is too personal to even indirectly(or incidentally) instigate. A young close relative committed suicide 3 months ago, and an elder close relative that's under depression tried twice this year. I feel confident from where I'm sitting to say the tweet was offensive, perhaps unintentionally, but offensive.

  • CJ - 10 years ago

    Perhaps that is the 20% who voted 'yes'.

  • john - 10 years ago

    It doesn't matter whether the tweet is offensive to the general public, most people can't understand or relate. Ask the families who have lost loved ones to depression whether or not it's offensive.

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