Have American Police Departments Become Too Militarized?


  • John - 10 years ago

    We're being socially engineered into needing a militarized security arm of a police state to keep order. Meanwhile, racial incidents being carried as national news and are likely part of this- especially considering that the narrative in the reporting is biased toward victimizing what turn out to be criminals when the facts come out. There seems to be an ongoing campaign to provoke us- to incite something that might justify martial law.

  • matt - 10 years ago

    its amazing anyone would answer no to this question.... Weapons of war have ZERO place in the hands of law enforcement.....our system was established that way for a reason. People who think this is okay should pick up a history book.

  • frank - 10 years ago

    You only have to watch television shows to know the answer to that. The show Cops is just one example of how police departments view citizens as the enemy. The whole mentality of local police departments has changed from neighborhood good guy's to heavy handed enforcers. I won't watch any of the "real life" police shows anymore simply because they disgust me with all that "GET ON THE GROUND". There are also more and more stories of how these elite para-military swat units bust into the wrong homes and cause serious damage, even death in some cases without any repercussion. The times they are a changin!

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