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Do you believe Michael Brown was "executed" as the family believes?

Total Votes: 53

  • Judy c - 10 years ago

    To think that a police officer would intentionally murder someone he doesn't know, for no reason is ludicrous I have met some bad mannered cops with strong egos over the years but I cannot imagine that any of them would murder someone out of the blue.

  • Judy c - 10 years ago

    To think that a police officer would intentionally murder someone he doesn't know, for no reason is ludicrous I have met some bad mannered cops with strong egos over the years but I cannot imagine that any of them would murder someone out of the blue.

  • Bob - 10 years ago

    I think "No", but technically, everyone should answer "Don't Know". I interpreted the third selection as intended to be "No Opinion".

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