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EPISODE BATTLE Part 2: Season One 13-26. Which is your Favorite?

Total Votes: 17,249

  • Dan - 10 years ago

    For me it was either Sonic Rainboom or Cutie Mark Chronicles. I had to go with Cutie Mark Chronicles because of how large it was as far as background info.

  • rust1cw4r3 - 10 years ago

    Party of One on top!? AAAAAAAAH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Definitely see why Sonic Rainboom is #2, both episodes are iconic (especially as far as the first season goes) but I definitely think PoO edges it out imo because of the comedy and giving us the diabetes inducing straight haired Ponka!

  • Scootapony - 10 years ago

    I like them all but out of these I think Fall Weather Friends is my favorite. I love the way Applejack and Rainbow Dash play off each other.

  • Chris B - 10 years ago

    I voted for, "Green Isn't Your Color", just because it's underrated and deserves some respect. Tough to argue with, "Sonic Rainboom", as the iconic episode of the season, though. But "Party of One"? I don't see it.

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    Right, insulting imaginary characters is as bad as insulting real people. I don't know if you know this Scootaloo, but you don't exist and thus cannot be negatively affected by anything someone says about you. To suggest otherwise is sheer delusion.

  • Jimmy - 10 years ago

    Suited for Success sucked.

  • Audunis - 10 years ago

    Heh. FPK over ADAPS, and SR over Suited.

    This fandom sometimes.

  • CMC_Scootaloo - 10 years ago

    I voted for "The Show Stoppers". Cutie Mark Crusaders episode, their first song in the show, their first cutie mark searches. And the best background music piece the show ever had.
    'Nuff said.


    Moral high-ground in your imagination.
    It doesn't matter if you insult a person that you meet or a pony seen in MLP: FiM; if you insult other persons, no matter if considered real or not, it shows that you're right at the end of the moral food chain.

  • Jube - 10 years ago

    It's no surprise Party of One is #1, pretty much everyone loves it.

    But my personal Season 1 Top 5 is
    1. A Dog and Pony Show
    2. Party of One
    3. The Best Night Ever
    4. Winter Wrap Up
    5. Over a Barrel

    And Bottom 5 because why not:

    5. Call of the Cutie
    4. Swarm of the Century
    3. Griffon the Brush Off
    2. Friendship is Magic
    1. Boast Busters

  • Anonymous - 10 years ago

    Oh, my five favorite episodes of the S1 are in the top 5 of this poll, what a surprise (not really, but I'm happy anyway).

  • Pone - 10 years ago

    @Mac: XD My sides! +1 internet for you!

  • Mac - 10 years ago

    @BuckyMcGillicuddy: You're a person? I figured because of your name you were just the rear appendage of a fictional cartoon pony...

  • Pops - 10 years ago

    Party of One is so overrated.

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    @Bucky McGillicuddy
    It always amuses me when people insult me for insulting a pony or an episode. It's nice of them to hand me the moral high-ground in every argument. :)

  • Rockpath5 - 10 years ago

    Party of One, hell yes!

  • Smeller10 - 10 years ago

    How does Suited for Success not have more votes? D:

  • Bucky McGillicuddy - 10 years ago

    @Mac I insulted an incorporeal episode. You insulted a person.

  • TidestManager1 - 10 years ago

    And this week, Party of One takes it!
    ehh... just a guess, don't quote me on it

  • Twylite-Sparkle - 10 years ago

    A Dog & Pony Show
    "Do you want to hear whining?"
    And many a ringtone were created that day...

  • don - 10 years ago

    A lot of great episodes here, Couldn't vote on just one. The chronicles & Rainboom are cool
    Dog & pony & Green add to the Disparity of spikes crush.
    Pinkie keen & party Twilights/Daine Pies Adorkable self made messes
    And the Best night ever slamming Disneys idea of princess dreams & Spikes reaction "More Sprinkles!"

  • Simms - 10 years ago

    Sonic Rainboom. Probably the most iconic episode of the series.

  • Mac - 10 years ago

    Way to look like a colossal prick, Bucky McGillicuddy.

  • Smile - 10 years ago

    Fall Weather Friends and Party of One for me.

  • anon - 10 years ago

    @Bucky McGillicuddy: I don't think episodes are capable of sexual activity. Oh, and I totally voted for that one. :P

  • derpyshan - 10 years ago

    Over a Barrel.

  • Frith - 10 years ago

    I chose Sonic Rainboom because it had the best climax. I was sorely tempted by Suited for Success, Best Night Ever and The Cutie Mark Chronicles.

  • Bucky McGillicuddy - 10 years ago

    "Sonic Rainboom" can go fuck itself.

  • A. - 10 years ago

    Fall Weather Friends for me. Followed by Suited for Success.

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