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Is Sarah being selfish?


  • Maureen Davis - 10 years ago

    Better to be a loving single mom than someone raising their kid with an a**hole dad. Go for it! It's not for us to judge.

  • Renea - 10 years ago

    I was a single mom for 6 years, before I met and married my husband and had 3 more kids. If you want to have a kid now without a husband, go for it. I think any kid would be lucky to call you mom.

  • Teri Watson - 10 years ago

    So? She is saying that a woman that decides to raise a child on her own is being selfish. Um well I think it is the most unselfish thing I have ever done. I live and breath for my son. Yes it is hard sometimes but you are at least doing it after you have made a career for yourself. You have a way to be able to provide for a child. When I had my son I was still in school. Now I am in a better place but having him has actually made me put myself last and him first. That being unselfish thing to do. I think that woman has her thoughts ass backwards. When you become a mom it is no longer about you being "selfish" it becomes about your child "unselfish". You would be a great mom.

  • Michel Delgado-Perez - 10 years ago

    Your body, your choice. Yes it's hard being a single mother, hard.. not impossible. Do as you please. People will judge even if you get married and have kids. They will judge you engagement ring, your fiancé, your wedding date, the wedding ceremony, the reception, your dress, your hair, the food, the music, where you will live, how long it took you guys to conceive, what you name your kid, etc., etc... I can go on and on. This you already know. So if the IMPORTANT PEOPLE in your life support you.. does it really matter what others think? If they're not going to help you with your kids financially or be in your kids life... screw them!!

  • christy - 10 years ago

    Do not listen to that lady. That is so that people will blow up your email with negative comments about wanting to have a baby. You want a baby and you are stable have one. Let your dream come true. My husband and I were trying to get pregnant for 13 years and never got pregnant. Found out he was shooting blanks. So we found a donor and I now have a 5 year old daughter. I found another donor and I also have a 7 month old daughter. Yes I did it differently but like you I love kids and wanted to have kids of my own. And my dreams came true.

  • jency - 10 years ago

    Wow! Sorry to hear your desire to have children has sparked rage in someone. There's no way it's selfish to want children unless you're only wanting them for attention or some devious reason ( which I am not implying in any way to you). What I see as selfish would be the women out there sticking their kids 2nd to their dating life or staying in an abusive relationship and not sticking up for their children's best interest just so they dont have to do it alone. When I had my daughter her dad and I found out several weeks AFTER we broke up. Maybe this same woman would bash me for choosing to keep my child since I knew I was a single mom the moment I knew I was pregnant. You see, I now have a beautiful (almost 8 years old) daughter who just started 2nd grade . There's nothing selfish about it and she's been the best blessing of my life, single mom or not , I am a mom and love her endlessly

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