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Is the economy turning around?

Total Votes: 1,546

  • T.S.Hariharan - 10 years ago

    Opening 7.5 crore SB Account, PM's Japan visit cover, Ganga Rejuvenation Plan, Decentralized Planning and Monitoring by Expert Committee , instilling confidence in the bureaucracy, Financial Management, etc., are certainly indications of confident and stable Democratic Administration. The large number of opening of Savings Bank is bound to reflect in the growth of production, manufacturing, and service sectors because of availability of loans at very low interest making the returns attractive. This will also help the growth of Rural Banking and show greater outflow of funds which are accumulated in the Banks, LIC and other Government Securities under the head of unclaimed and no claim account. Force Private Money Lenders either lower the interest rates and make it easy or deposit in the Banking Sector for returns. Overall there is general vitalization in the Economy with the induction of Top Think Tank in the PM new team of Advisers. May many good news happen in the next 100 days and it may as a unit of measurement for the new Government.

  • melwin - 10 years ago

    I hope one day Rupee will crush US dollar.

  • Myopia like mega projects. 1/1000 mega projects really worked by way sensible cost runs all over world. politicians are worst enemies of citizens . fact even media fails to understand. instead it shd be a fourth estate it is working for politicians and politics.

    Do what you want fact remain a fact . All over USA n Europe changes take place why do not you media report truth to people but for them u are no where!

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