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Do You Want Firsthand Weather To Do Any Articles On Man-Made Global Warming?

Total Votes: 408

  • LEE MARION - 9 years ago

    Well, if man contributed to global warming in such a prolific way since the Industrial Revolution started in the 19th century, and supposedly is causing Global Warming, then how do you explain the historical fact that palm tree petrification's have been found near the Artic Circle from hundred and hundreds of years ago ???? We didn't have any CO2 pollution from man then------------??? Study the earth's history a little and you will quickly see that we have been completely governed by natural cycles in Global Climate. We are now going into a warm cycle which will end up in another Glacial cycle, the last of which was about 12, 000 years ago---it always has warmed up substantially before a glacial cycle starts. My other point is........GOD IS IN CONTROL, ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE.........Reference J R's post, yes the sun has a tremendous influence on our weather and our climate-----well proven----read the book, SOLAR RAIN, by Mitch Battros...... W8CGQ

  • Dave - 10 years ago

    I would just love it if someone would present the facts as they are on Global Warming and not follow the narrative of the Political Left. You just reported on the extreme cold winter coming this year. The polar ice is now at record growth yet Al Gore predicted they would be gone by now. Now CO2 is the evil gas yet no one is speaking about planting trees which convert CO2 to O2
    Tired of Junk Science and the media promoting a Liberal Global Carbon Tax.

  • Charles Cox - 10 years ago

    Have enjoyed your weather forecasting and your candor about things such as this climate change issue. I agree with you that the argument so often cast in "either-or" terms is best cast in "both-and" terms and the issue is how much has man contributed. When Mt Pinatue(sp) in the Philipines erupted it put out more CO2 than mankind had in tens of years if not hundreds. We also have a lag time in determining whether or not we are in a warming cycle or a cooling cycle or a hic-up in a cycle. So--have at it but use hard cold facts and not speculation or druthers. Keep on becoming a great forecaster rather than a weather teller.

  • J.R. Whedbee - 10 years ago

    I have been a ham radio operator for 40 years and I have studied solar cycles and sun spot activity and their effect on the atmosphere and thus radio wave propagation which is how it ties into ham radio. The variation of solar radiation, the cycles the sun goes through and its effect on the earth is tremendous. I realize that ozone depletion can be caused by CO2, according to the experts and CO2 is mostly man made unless we get a lot of volcanic activity. But I recently read an article that the hole in the ozone in the southern hemisphere over Antarctica is decreasing in size. This should be a sign that CO2 levels are decreasing according to the experts that determined CO2 was causing this in the first place. Additionally, the Antarctic ice cap has been increasing in size, supposedly because the ozone hole is shrinking. So if man made CO2 is still on the rise, this shouldn’t be happening if we want to blame man instead of some natural phenomena. I tend to think that some scientists think man is a big deal and anything he does is a big deal. I think that mother nature here on earth and the sun is a big deal and greatly outweighs what man does. Yes, man may contribute to the problem, but I’m not sure in the huge scheme of things if it is a big deal. Keep up the good work Matthew, 50 years ago I was in Air Weather Service in the Air Force, and worked with some really good forecasters, like you. Thanks for all you do.

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