Who is more to blame in the school bus video fiasco?


  • Lee - 10 years ago

    I feel sorry for those poor children who witnessed their own parents behaving so stupid and ignorant. The bus driver was following procedure to keep their precious little ones safe. If you want them to wind up in the hands of a molester then sure she should let you kids off the bus into the hands of "anybody" and then when they are missing go look in the mirror and blame yourselves! You ignorant morons!

  • Paul - 10 years ago

    These so called parents are losers! This article sums it up well.

  • Corey - 10 years ago

    I feel so bad for these kids growing up without any knowledge from their parents on how to be respectful and what it takes to be the best you can..... Makes me sick to my something I work in Worcester and see you all the time nothing will change these parents are so ignorant and have no idea How to live , they are so lost and so delusional on how life really should be ! definitely the majority of Worcester has no idea

  • Corey - 10 years ago

    This city is going down and fast! Teachers are doing their best also included bus drivers good parental supervisors are doing their best to keep these children on the right path and their parents have no idea how to do that!!! It's all gone down the toilet and whoever can try to fix it Godspeed

  • Hope - 10 years ago

    I hope this isn't swept under the rug. The parents were diffently out of line. The children should be suspended from riding the bus until the parents apologize. These bus drivers are not paid enough to put up with such crap

  • Sandra - 10 years ago

    That poor bus driver had to deal with those hideous parents. That is a shame. I lock my doors when I drive through "scary" areas in Worcester. I am on the bus drivers side. I would have done the same and prayed for the police to hurry up !!!

  • John Dearborn - 10 years ago

    I definitely agree. This was a good one. I voted the wrong way first, then I started thinking so I voted again. Whoops. It's never a good idea to throw f bombs around in front of kids no matter what. Those poor innocent kids having to go through that must have been horrified.

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