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What's responsible for the rising number of Bollywood/TV actors getting involved in prostitution rackets?

Total Votes: 7,839

  • Ravi - 10 years ago

    It's so easy to defend a person who is famous. There are 1000's of girls who are doing this daily forcefully. The reason is that when u see success at a younger age you get tempted. And to keep up with the standards of so called society sometimes you opt for a wrong and easy way out of earning money.

  • Santosh Birajdar - 10 years ago

    see cost of living not a reason they can live simply also life but they want to live like any other success full actor
    which needs more money n money..

  • Aryan nautiyal - 10 years ago

    I thought not one hav had dream to be in this profession may be sum reasons behind every we never been judgemental bout despite poll we shld find the reasons...

  • khizer - 10 years ago

    Any one goes in any wrong direction, He or she misses the right guidance and directions.
    Very first thing is they need right parental or guardiance's impacts,
    which is mainly Allaha's (creator of whole univers ) knowledge and guidance.
    if this knowledge or preachings goes in the heart ,
    than He or she will avoide going near Bad Deeds.

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