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Following The Decision By CVS To End Sales Of Tobacco Products, Richard Blumenthal Is Calling For Walgreens To Follow Suit. Do You Agree?


  • John - 10 years ago

    I disagree with the basic premise that government should be telling any business what it can and cannot sell... that should be the role of the consumer- who uses his/her ONLY vote that counts- the dollar... to patronize businesses that operate within the community ethic- which should NOT be enforced by government because doing so sets a precedent that's very dangerous to the concept of free market capitalism.

  • frank - 10 years ago

    As a smoker, I am forced to pay additional taxes of over $2,000 per year. Why would he want to make it harder for the state to get that money? Also, as far as Mr. Blumenthal goes, remember the big tobacco settlement? That money was supposed toward covering the "cost of health care issues caused by smoking". I've tried several times to find out where that care can be found. People laugh and look at me like I have 3 heads. The state has recieved a payout from that settlement every year since it happened. Where's the money Blumy? This year alone, Connecticut recieved over 400 million dollars. I ask again, where is the help for smokers you promised? It's an addiction, not a bad habit! If I were addicted to heroin I'd be recieving help out the butt! Thank you for everything Mr. Blumenthal.

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