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Do you find the LCBO ad offensive?


  • Sonya Jones - 10 years ago

    I think whoever made this claim needs to do more research and know that alcohol affects everyone differently just as it would due to different body types alcohol is passed through to the fetus by your blood the amount passed is different and i've seen these LCBO ads everywhere I find them brilliant and effective. If you truly and fully loved/cared about your body and baby you wouldn't drink nor would you need to and I am worried for this person and perhaps they find them so "offensive" as they themselves are drinkers or have/do drink while pregnant and in reality they should just stop. It is a shame for people who do drink while pregnant it is the equivalent to giving an infant the bottle!

  • Robin VanEerden - 10 years ago

    Alcohol is a teratogen period. It puts a fetus at risk period. People who complain about any of these adds need to work with children and adults with an FASD. Alcohol is the number one preventable cause of intellectual disabilities. FASD exists in 1 in 100 live births this statistic does not come from women who only drink in excess. 0 4 9 months fetuses should never have to be subject to this teratogen...when are people ever going to get has a higher prevalence than Autism. The statistics the billions spent the suffering of these adults and children is horrendous. There should be adds everywhere. People need to remove themselves from denial. This is a international and national health problem of epidemic proportions and totally preventable. 049 period!

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