What do you think about the pyjamas?


  • Chris D - 10 years ago

    I can tell that every one here is a part of the conservative bunch. See here, now, you are looking at something that is billboarding sexuality on BABY girls and going "aww cute!" But let your kid at four or five see two adults of the same sex holding hands and suddenly its," DON'T PUSH YOUR SEXUALITY ON MY CHILD!" Like really? I would never put my child (usually little girls) in clothes like that until she is old enough to 1, date and 2, make her own decisions on what she wants to wear. Forcing little girls to focus on their beauty and sexuality any earlier than society already does (which BTW is already too early in my opinion) is nothing short of cruel. Children are not ready for the feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and all around negativity that people learn to overcome on their way to adulthood.
    Yes, the kids do not understand, but from there on? 0-2 years- boys/girls "So cute!" 3-4 boys"you're gonna grow up big and strong!" Girls"oh, you are gonna be so pretty! " 5-10 years boys "you are so smart! You're gonna be a heartbreaker! You are so talented!" Girls " You are gonna be so pretty! You are smart for a girl! You are gonna make some man very happy!" 11+ years boys" Wow, you are gonna go places! You are a star! You can be anything! You can do anything! You wanna be a doctor/lawyer/athlete/scientist/chef/president? You can do it!" Girls"You are so pretty, but if you do this you'll be prettier! You are so smart! You are gonna make a great mom someday! You are so good at *various household things*, you are be a great wife to some lucky man! Oh, you wanna be a doctor/lawyer/athlete/scientist/chef/president? Oh, well what about kids? Those are such demanding jobs, oh what am I saying? You can put off your career a little while to have kids, I'm sure your husband wouldn't mind."
    If you don't see something as harmless as a t shirt altering a child's long term growth, you are a part of the problem. There are so many studies that show images can alter your reaction to various situations. If you think that images can not alter the way we treat men and women from birth, and that changing things like these shirts is useless, you need to take another look.
    Ps- Mr. Mike, the next time you hit the pool or gym showers think of how you'd feel if some random dude got uncomfortably close to you and said, "Nice ass." Maybe you'd see why women don't take catcalling as a compliment.

  • bria - 10 years ago

    i agree, these are just baby clothes, but I would like to own a shirt that says, train like wonderwoman or something and then for my imaginary boyfriend to have a shirt like, train like superman..
    basically they are just random slogans to put on shirts. now I do have to say, when I see a guy wearing the shirt that says "cool story babe, now make me a sandwitch' that i can say ruffles my feathers a bit. but the other things, especially baby clothes. sexism my butt.

  • Arya - 10 years ago

    Its really disheartening to read all of the comments on this poll. Its because of people like this that we can't even have a proper discussion about this. The messages on the PJs really do reflect a deeper message- one that we desperately need to address and correct in our twisted society. Complacency, however, will ultimately win unless we can all learn to look at the world though different eyes. Until then, anyone who talks out about the problems of today's world will be shut down by the screaming masses.

    What a world we live in.

  • mikeprce - 10 years ago

    Samantha brothers.... This is exactly why I hate feminists. They dont realize that its not just them, guys need to be strong, fit, athletic, and "manly" ... this gender role thing goes both ways and its not a problem, just a fact of life. If you would stop being offended by guys calling you good looking and trying to talk to you, you might be able to make friends, or atleast take it as a confidence boost. Nobody is trying to offend, or assult you, and they absolutely have the right to compliment you. Also those pjs are cute. Find something worth your time to argue about like how psychologically damaging the influence of religion is to a small child. Or world peace. Or anything but this.

  • travis - 10 years ago

    Samantha, I bet you're just pissed because you're probably far from attractive or desirable yourself ...don't worry, I'm sure you have a nice personality!

  • Lisa - 10 years ago

    I forgot to mention I have this sleeper and the batgirl version of it which says "cutest hero ever" sooo that is pretty ridiculous they are making a big deal about it being sexist when there is this one available too.

  • Jeanette Smith - 10 years ago

    Anybody that has a problem with these baby clothes really has no life and needs to find something better to do. These are harmless and cute outfits for babies and people try to find sexism out of it? Shame on you people. God, I hate feminazis like this woman. Gives my sex a bad name.

  • Lisa - 10 years ago

    "I only date heroes" reads to me that the little girl will pick a brave man to be her boyfriend and nothing less. Is this not a good moral to have? I sure think so. And the shirt that reads "beautiful like mommy" reads to me as a compliment to the mom who may or may not feel like crap because she hasn't slept or ate a hot meal in a week or showered that day because she is taking care of her little one. Many moms don't feel beautiful because of these aspects of their lives so why not dress you're little girl in something that compliments you as well? I am against sexism but I feel like there should be a line drawn somewhere and bigger sexism issues should be addressed. There are plenty of clothing that empower little girls. And their parents empower them by raising them that way.

  • Samantha Brothers - 10 years ago

    What's more disappointing about this discussion about the sexist baby jammies is the result of this poll. The fact that 50% say their harmless, and only 40% see the damage that these messages can have on both young girls and boys. I am agreeing with the professor who posted the original photo. I am also sick of seeing this message everywhere. As a 25 year old female living in the 21st century I am reminded on a daily basis that my value comes from my appearance. Don't be fat because that's ugly, but don't be too thin because that's gross. Choose clothes that make look appealing, but if i'm too scantily clad it's my fault if I am raped because i was 'asking for it'. This discussion runs much deeper than just baby jammies. This is anther example of gender stereotyping that exist in our society. To the people who say" if you don't like it don't buy it" It's virtually impossible for me to not experience sexism on a daily basis. It's literally everywhere from TV to magazines, to the way certain products are marketed. I also experience verbal assault on a regular basis from men feeling the need to say things like "Hey Honey, nice outfit" and "hey baby, why don't you come over here and talk to me" as I walk down the street going about my day. Just to be clear, these are not compliments, it's harassment and you have no right to do it.
    Also, to the people who try to put a positive spin on things or say it's not offensive, I highly recommend that you educate yourselves on gender stereotypes and the damaging effects they have on people. I also recommend that those same people learn a little bit about feminism because this is exactly why it's
    needed. Is it so hard to think that a young girl or grown woman can be their own hero? Or are we forever supposed to link our personal value to who we date and how we look....

  • Paul - 10 years ago

    OMG! What a bunch of whiners. Seriously....cute baby clothes sporting harmless slogans and, people are actually crying sexist??? If you don't like them, don't buy them. See how easy that was? What is next - will the whiners begin whining because there are no baby clothes supporting same sex marriage? So many REAL issues out the for people to stand up for - this is NOT one of them.

  • WeNeedMoreHeroes - 10 years ago

    I certainly want my son to grow up to be a hero and my daughter to date someone who is willing to put themselves in harms way for others. It means they will protect her with their life. If you can't see these message as a positive maybe you should have been encouraged a little more to be a hero and seek out heroes to spend your life with.

  • Sandy - 10 years ago

    Oh come on people who are whining. Do you not have more important things to be concerned about? If you don't like it then don't buy it! If you don't like that Target is selling it then don't shop at Target.


  • Charlie - 10 years ago

    I think the children are the picky ones who call this harmless stuff sexist, I mean c'mon, how ridiculous can you get.

  • NIKKI - 10 years ago

    I think they are SOOO Adorable!,
    people needs to stop reading SO much into things and stop turning non-issues into issues. In all reality they can't even read what it says so.... CLAM DOWN PEOPLE!!!

  • Cherie - 10 years ago

    If you don't like what it says, don't buy it!

  • jessie - 10 years ago

    The pjs only state dating preferences. Who you choose to date should be no reflection of your ability for personal accomplishment.
    I am a woman and I believe the women who took issue with this obviously haven't accomplished enough in life because they have too much time on their hands and need to go looking for a fight/cause to validate themselves.

  • Amy - 10 years ago

    Boohoo people. Why don't you worry about the fact children are starving in the world and other issues that actually mean something. Stop being so damn sensitive to everything in the freakin world and get lives.

  • Carolyn - 10 years ago

    I totally agree with the above comment, get a life, you should have realized it when nobody commented on Facebook.

  • TiredofThis - 10 years ago

    Tired of the whining minority! Telling businesses what they can and cannot sell because it offends them. Solution? Then don't buy it!! Tired of everyone always trying to change the world because someone gets offended. The outfits are cute and funny. Maybe they should stop making boys stuff in blue and girls stuff in pink (like there are no other choices available). Grow Up! Who's being the child here? They probably have seen worse things on TV, video games or the internet these days.

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