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Do libraries provide value or save money?


  • Joye Crowe-Logan - 16 years ago

    In response to your question, Nancy:
    Patrons can use our library computers for free -- that saves them money if they don't feel the need to buy their own computer, and/or pay for their own Internet access. And at least at the library I work at, printing is either free or cheap. So that's more savings.
    A small savings comes from perusing the local newspapers at the library, rather than buying your own copies. A somewhat larger savings is reading the magazines there (or checking them out!) instead of subscribing or buying a copy at the check-out aisle in the grocery store. ;-)
    Programs are free to attend, so that can be a way to save more money -- free entertainment, whether it be for the kids or adults!
    Using our Meeting Room is free of charge, so if the group/organization is eligible to use the Meeting Room, that is a big savings -- since finding a free meeting space is rare!
    That's all I can think of right now, but that's definitely more than just saving on the price of a bestseller and/or blockbuster! :)

  • Pat Darcey - 16 years ago

    It's true libraries provide value, but the idea of saving money is (unfortunately) more marketable than providing value.

  • Alan Breakstone - 16 years ago

    I'd like to add that in this economy, saving money is the most important thing on peoples' minds.

  • Nancy Dowd - 16 years ago

    So what are other concrete ways that we save families money? Gas ... DVD rentals .... books....

  • Paul Debraski - 16 years ago

    It's been said above, but I have to agree, especially with prices rising everywhere, that the money angle is the way to go. We still have people who ask how much it costs to rent our DVDs (which are free at our branch).

  • Nancy Dowd - 16 years ago

    So true! Joanne Roukens has done such a great job with her valuing libraries programs that libraries can now put a specific dollar amount to everything they provide their communities . Has anyone notice certain savings resonate more than others?

  • Marian Bauman - 16 years ago

    Not sure most people understand what "value" means in relation to their library, but they all understand saving money by not having to pay $4.95 at Blockbuster for a DVD or buy a best-seller at $29.95. With gas at $4 a gallon, saving money will make more of an impact to them than providing value.

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