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Who do you think was the strongest candidate at Thursday's mayoral forum?


  • Joe Lesko - 10 years ago

    I'm a tad confused as to why Judy 'Washmyundiesplease' is the current front runner in the polls...... What can she do for the citizens of Winnipeg that Robert Falcon-Ouelette cannot do better?? He has a plan for our future.... he answers questions he is asked rather than spewing off mindless jibberish that only leaves us with more questions (Judy is rather skilled in that department).
    It will be a sad day in Winnipeg if JW wins the vote..... Robert Falcon-Oulette has my vote

  • Justin Forfun - 10 years ago

    Only 3 people have a hope of winning this race now. JWL is the front runner. A professional politician who lacks any new ideas or vision for Winnipeg. Steeves is a likable guy but a political retread as well. Only Bowman seems to have the energy, drive and a willingness to make reasonable changes. He's got my vote. I can only hope Winnipeg voters come to their senses in time. Maybe Steeves will fall on his sword like he suggested Bowman do early on in the race.

  • Jan - 10 years ago

    To "Anon"'s comment above, I would like to point out that if someone doesn't start supporting business in the city of Winnipeg AND the province of Manitoba, our GDP will falter, our our tax base will shrivel, roads will fall further into disrepair, our people will find it increasingly difficult to find work. Government jobs are only available if there is a tax base to bring in the revenues required to pay government employees. Where do you think these revenues come from? Business IS the engine that keeps our culture and society afloat. PLEASE vote for a candidate that realizes that raising taxes is not effective if there is no income to tax.

  • Kirk - 10 years ago

    Wow just this morning JWL wasn't even on the radar in this poll. I guess all the old people finally woke up at the same time. Didn't know they knew what the internet was.

  • concerned citizen - 10 years ago

    Process of elimination - Steeves stands for nothing. As lifelong liberal his extreme right-wing positions lack credibility. JWL hasn't had a new idea since '94. That leaves Bowman as the best of the 'viable' candidates. He is honest, sincere, and if there's any ideology there at all it's pretty balanced down the middle. He's got my vote!

  • Anon poster - 10 years ago

    Regarding Mr. Bowman's new 3-4% Municipal Sales Tax:
    "What is your impression Mr. Falcon-Ouellette, of how a new Municipal Sales Tax would affect people in our community?"
    "Well I think this is actually one of the most regressive forms of taxation we can have amongst working class people and also middle class."

    The look on Mr. Bowman's face was simply priceless. It said everything about his moral standards and "plans for the future" for the average working class Winnipeggar. Bowman supports the business community more than the average citizen, plain and simple.

    Don't even get me started on how either one of Bowman or JWL even dream of financing BRT out of what seems like thin air. A well-thought-out, logical answer to that question simply does not exist at the moment.

  • Isabel Monteith - 10 years ago

    Robert-Falcon Oulette has a clear view of the future.

  • joy winter-schmidt - 10 years ago

    Gord Steeves showed the most warmth, confidence, knowledge, class and integrity! He won the debate for those reasons!

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