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Enjoying Iron Banner?

Total Votes: 1,896

  • Reymundo Gonzales - 10 years ago

    No. I was level 25 and I stab a level 17 three times and mg teammate who was level 23 "shotgunned" him and it wasn't till after my third stab that he/she died. Why?

  • Jason - 10 years ago

    dont do pvp...... im very pve interested..... only pve, i pvp in DCUO only

  • jamesxred - 10 years ago

    this is slowly killing the game for me. it forces me to play a game type i dont like (not hard to make other game modes like this) and is rewarding people for all the wrong reasons. it is rewarding anyone who has a team with them and punishes people who dont. they have no reward for losing so when you start to lose your whole team leaves and then you get nothing. and dont even get me started on who levels make no difference ( apart from them god dam 30s with vex mytho)

  • chap_shot - 10 years ago

    i voted no because You barely notice the difference as far as the armor goes and the damage isnt that different (the SUROS is op either way). my biggest complaint is the lag... its ridiculous when i can shotgun someone, punch him, he gets 2 shotgun rounds on me i die, then i get a postmortem kill on the melee i got on him before the shotgun shells. I'd understand if this were a new gaming company but these are the guys that brought us HALO and they advertised as that. if that's true then why is the multiplayer in this game seem so unbalanced and like it was put together as an after thought. Because everyone here knows damn well they didnt spend that much time putting together the story... and no im not a hater i still love destiny and play it everyday with my friends. we just would enjoy multiplayer better if the got dedicated servers or better latency matching or something.

  • Dancin0ut1aw - 10 years ago

    I like it as much as I like the crucible I guess couldnt notice a difference in armor except for the SUROS Regime....I voted no because I hate that you get nothing for losing, makes your team rage quit and you get stuck, also even if you perform well you get nothing

  • killsquill - 10 years ago

    Levels 4 shouldn't damage level s 28s. Hard work to get there

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