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Shashi Tharoor sacked as spokesperson: Has Congress treated him fairly?


  • saji - 10 years ago

    present congress party is not a democratic party, in my observation, there is a strong reason for my belief, in kerala the muslims vote is important to congress about 30% of the population of kerala is muslims, to please them the congress has taken this stand, which is an undemocratic move. congress ideology is to divide and rules. only intention is to rule the peoples at any cost no ideology only power, can anybody explain me , being in any party, the member has no rights to express his or her own opinion, if it is so then what is the meaning of democracy, where he or she can't express his or her feeling and thought. is congress is taliban.

  • Dara S Shaikh - 10 years ago

    How very foolish of the Congress to dump on their most articulate & literate spokesman that would do credit to any party in the world, what to say of India. Together Mani Shankar and Tharoor are the only two priceless
    jewels in their crown.
    As for the ridiculous allegation that he had murdered his wife, give us a break.
    To accuse him of being so clumsy as to perpetrate the alleged killing at the poshest hotel in Delhi and that too by poisoning with barbiturates, which forensic scientists will tell you is impossible to do to an unwilling victim, drags it all down to the level of the 'Keystone Cops'.
    A more patriotic & loyal party man they would be hard put to find. A gentleman to boot, albeit with an impish sense of humor.

  • Alok - 10 years ago

    This is a democracy, albeit Congress style! An appreciation of a rival party (even if it has merit) is simply unacceptable. On the other hand, leaders who led the party to its worst ever loss in last elections will continue to lead the party. After the results were announced, they went through the formalities of submitting their resignations and predictably it was rejected by its managing committee. Wake up: there is still time left to put its house in order provided this party is really interested. Otherwise, soon the party would keep its tryst with the destiny i.e. complete obliteration like what happened to dinosaurs million years ago. At the moment, the Congress party is in full auto-mode to self-destruct itself at any cost.

  • Rajendrasah - 10 years ago

    for congress it is one more step towards its end, BINASH KALE BIPREET BUDHHI

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