Who do you think won the Florida Gubernatorial Debate?

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  • Steve - 10 years ago

    No matter who won the debate. We the people all lose. While it's a choice of the lesser of two evil. Based on what he and his company was accused of perpetrating should have never been eligible to run for public office. Never! And although Charlie is not always straightforward, Rich Scott is just a deer in the head light bare face liar. Why is he always tell us about how his father abused his mother? Does his mother know she brought a crook int the world. But knowing how people in Florida are notorious for making bad decisions, I have to hope that they elect the lesser of the two. Rick Scott positions on stand you ground laws, women rights, including abortion and equal pay, gay rights are not what will convince me to cast my vote for him, and I'm sure others feel the other way about that too. But Scott has not really not done anything to make Florida a better place for Floridians and being the Governor has personally benefited him, his family and friends more than anyone else. If voter in Florida voted with this pocket book and their heads, Scott will be gone, instead of voting against their own better interest because they don't want others to benefit. Chris eventually switched parties because he came to reality that he was aligned with a party that full of insane and unreasonable morons. The other party has it's share too. But Chris former party take the cake. Good luck Florida. Wonderful state to live because of the weather. Really bad for the politics and idiot seen every day on the local news.

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