Everyone that drives a Commercial Vehicle should be able to drive a manual transmission !!!!
Vickie Lee Thomas - 10 years ago
Have driven an automatic enjoyed it a lot but to be a driver you need know all of them. Right I've got 18 speed. Wish I had a 5&4.
John Albertson - 10 years ago
I agree that every CDL driver should be able to and be qualifies to drive a manual transmission, however, after 15 years on the road and shifting through 10,13,18 speeds, my scope if work changed to that of a local intermodal driver. I spend most if my days in heavy traffic, that is why I purchased a truck with an automatic, I still miss the shifting at times, but that auto has been a huge benefit for the type if work i am doing now.
byron - 10 years ago
I learned to drive on 4x4 and 5x3, married and unmarried. I started in dec. 1975. Every one should know how to handle a manual, whether they use it or not.
Everyone that drives a Commercial Vehicle should be able to drive a manual transmission !!!!
Have driven an automatic enjoyed it a lot but to be a driver you need know all of them. Right I've got 18 speed. Wish I had a 5&4.
I agree that every CDL driver should be able to and be qualifies to drive a manual transmission, however, after 15 years on the road and shifting through 10,13,18 speeds, my scope if work changed to that of a local intermodal driver. I spend most if my days in heavy traffic, that is why I purchased a truck with an automatic, I still miss the shifting at times, but that auto has been a huge benefit for the type if work i am doing now.
I learned to drive on 4x4 and 5x3, married and unmarried. I started in dec. 1975. Every one should know how to handle a manual, whether they use it or not.