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Multiple Choice: Destiny Suggestions

Total Votes: 9,034

  • M - 9 years ago

    lfg or some sort of in game general text chat

  • rabidwabbit1 - 10 years ago

    Awesome game! It could use a couple improvements though.

    1st. A trading system where you can trade with people on your friends list

    2nd a cutscene skip option.

    I really enjoy this game and look forward to seeing what Bungie does with it in the future

  • Ivan - 10 years ago

    Please fix the raid. Either give multiple chances or automatic drop for at least one piece of raid armor. The armor could be for random class but it is ridiculous that you can do raid only once a week and never get armor. I've done it every week it's been available and have one piece of armor. And when you fight atheon fix it so that 3 people always get teleported. It can be random but usually it's only 1 or 2 and your screwed, especially on hard. Even if they are down in normal their orb can be teleported and you could still revive them and have chance to finish raid.

  • darthdende - 10 years ago

    Custom pvp games, lets make this game competitive so we can have tournaments or Lan partys!

  • ExceedingAcorn8 - 10 years ago

    Crafting System: take x perk from weapons/armor (after dismantling) and apply it to weapon/armor you actually use.

    VOG Matchmaking!

    Zone battles: every xx minutes the (insert enemy) assaults (insert enemy) across an entire zone

    be able to explore lost cities, ie freehold, Ishtar blablabla... like inside buildings with many(10+) floors, able to jump/glide/teleport to the next building and then fight your way through that building.

    ohhh actually make the ship worth something and have a ship mission were you get to fly around and shoot down enemy ships and stuff, then land on a huge skyscraper and fight your way through it, then get back in your ship and fly to another bldg.... kind of like that one mission on Halo reach.

  • BAMozzy - 10 years ago

    More Vault Space is definitely needed!!
    Something worthy to spend Glimmer on - already have 40+ Ammo synthesis on all characters and 25,000 Glimmer....
    Raise the cap on Vanguard Marks - maxed out by Friday and have no reason to play. Also raise the cap on the amount you can have - 200 is WAY too low!!
    Introduce a Raid Engram so that EVERYONE gets something from completing it - fed up of beating Atheon and get nothing but Ascendant materials throughout - its VERY disappointing!! Still waiting to get any armour so stuck at 29 on all 3 characters. Can get more from doing the Nightfall and get bonus rep all week too! (although got rubbish this week - 2 legendary snipers and a scout rifle - all worse than my fully upgraded legendary equivalents whilst a friend got 11 ascendant shards!!!)
    A room in the Tower for people looking to Raid - better than just spamming everyone over 26 in the hope you find someone (or being spammed everytime you go into the Tower)
    Something else to spend Motes of Light, Strange coins on - Have over 150 of both atm. I have most Exotic weapons and Armour for each class too. Maybe change a weapon or armours perks at a cost - maybe even the elemental damage too... Or at least change the stock available by the Vanguards, factions etc - even if it is just a change to the weapons elemental and/or perks - armour too!
    A way to remove things from my Inventory permanently - I have NO need of Ether Seeds, Black Wax Idols etc...
    It is so restrictive and limiting! By Friday, all I have left is Daily missions as the Bounties are pretty pointless once you have fully maxed gear, high rep with Vanguard/Factions and even those are pointless as I have a good stock of Shards/Energy for the Raid gear (IF I ever get any!!!)

  • Axis - 10 years ago

    Trade sytem, skip cutscene option, faster inventory loading/no inventory screen waiting, reduction of load time on ammo synths/allowance of more than one ammo synths, variety on nightfall/weekly instead of same each week for example nexus nightfall and archon priest weekly, ship to ship combat/sparrow combat

  • voorhees vibe - 10 years ago

    First off id like to say Bungie you rock!! So does Destiny :) youve got us all hooked. But it could be even better!

    More story,
    Read grimoire in game,
    Clan trade system,
    bigger vault,
    More races / character slots,
    purchasable dances,
    more dance types and styles
    customizeable shaders,
    ship shaders,
    more ship types,
    Ship missions,
    More bounty types,
    Casino/slots for each currency,
    Strike pack ( 10+ more strikes),
    More armour variation,
    more events at once,
    private crucible matches,
    clan management on console,
    sparrow racing,
    2 exotic weapons equipped,
    Rebuff Pocket Infinity!!
    more public event types,
    fix/balance reward system overall,
    higher currency caps,
    Able to buy exotic bounties.

    If i think of more ill comment again lol

  • seismicharbor - 10 years ago

    Raid matchmaking is needed. It can take entirely too long to get a fireteam.

  • seismicharbor - 10 years ago

    Raid matchmaking is needed. It can take entirely too long to get a fireteam.

  • Diamara - 10 years ago

    A way to reach level 30 without raiding. Either through PVP, crafting or an exotic weapon-style quest chain.

  • moosapoluza - 10 years ago

    Equipping more than one exotic
    Tweaking underperforming exotics
    Adding more varieties based on character type and race
    More vault space
    Do not allow strange coins to be vaulted and combined with their other charcters allowing players to earn 27+ coins in a week
    Guaranteed loot drop for bosses
    in game clan menu or message board to post help wanted ads

  • Patrunz - 10 years ago

    Equip more exotics please!
    Patrol bosses?!
    Bring back character view on character select screen.
    More earth locations! I wanna see what the rest of the planet looks like!

  • Laxuspartan88 - 10 years ago

    No radar in the crucible!
    Sparrow races!
    Bigger vault space.
    To not get items for another class it sucks!
    Ability to hold more glimmer and ability to buy exotic bounties even if there like 50g.
    Sparrow races.
    Custom sparrow coloring.
    Custom shaders or mix shaders like the ability to choose 1 color from each shader.
    Cooler looking hunter helmets.
    4 man teams or atleast 4 man patrol be cause 3 just ruins everything.

  • Axios - 10 years ago

    I think we should be able to equip more then 1 exotic for a raid or for the nightfall maybe even in a special crucible match that would be fun.

  • Tuffestrider - 10 years ago

    -more stuff happening in the game world. For example the cabal could attack the Vex on venus, Fallen could attack the Hive on the moon or Fallen could temporarily ally themself with the cabal to drive the vex from mars. This way bungie could put in som "story" into the game and we, the players, would feeling that something is happening in the world.
    -lvl 26 and 28 strikes.
    -new strikes and hopefully longer strikes... Somewhere in the middle between regular strikes and raids.
    -patrol "strikes". Meaning bigger caves or structures wich contains high lvl enemies and a miniboss with a good chance of loot from the miniboss.
    -"base defence" mode. 6 guardians defend a base from hordes of enemies.
    -preset messages in the tower. For example "want to join a raid?", "weekly heroic strike" and so on.
    -hidden terminals like in halo were you get stort cutscenes with backgroundstory.
    -more shaders and high lvl gear.

  • Copper - 10 years ago

    Trade-System for In-Clan-Members ONLY.


  • Metafury - 10 years ago

    Story. More story. Literally EVERYTHING else could slide, if it had a bit more of engrossing story that a person with cognitive ability beyond a 10 year old can be captivated by.

  • somebody - 10 years ago

    all of them..........

  • w0Ot - 10 years ago

    I'm back with more suggestions.

    -Wave based stronghold attack or defense modes. I love the combat in this game and it would be nice to play something similar to Halo's firefight mode or Gears of War's Horde mode. I think this would be a lot of fun and add a lot of replay value to the game.

  • w0Ot - 10 years ago

    The things I would like to see add/changed would be:

    -Better rewards for bosses and difficult enemies.

    -More variety in the bounties.

    -Better story/more story.

    -In game Grimoire Library and more Grimiore bonuses.

    -Levels with variant objectives or alternate paths, so you don't do the same exact thing every time you play the same level or strike.

    -Roving packs of elite enemies on patrols with higher chance to drop loot.

    -Sparrow races.

    -More variety when it comes to the aesthetics of legendary armor. There were some really cool looking lower level armor pieces I had while leveling and I would like to see legendaries that looked like those. (the titan unicorn helmet and asymmetrical shoulder pads)

    -More weapon types, like melee weapons.

    -More complicated boss fights, they need to be more than bullet sponges, they should have complex behaviors and tactics.

    -The ability to decode engrams and turn in bounties from orbit.

    -Proximity voice chat with people in the tower and on patrols.


    I would also like to say to Bungie that I love this game and can't wait for the expansions, keep up the good work! This game is a very solid foundation and I look forward to seeing where it goes over the next 10 years.

  • Advancing - 10 years ago

    No offense but none of these options are something that needs to be put in the game. The game is great as is and we as players have no business telling the devs what needs to be in the game. For example there are consequences to adding "better items to the gunsmith" - doing so would make drops/nightfall a lot less interesting and exciting. The fact is that gamers have become whiners and unfortunately the devs listen.

    I liked the old engram system where Legendary engrams were more common but did not guarantee a legendary. This made the engrams like lottery tickets and it was a lot of fun turning them in for the chance of a legendary or even an exotic. Everyone moaned that they didn't receive a legendary for "their" legendary engram as if they are entitled to it. I mean the Engram description clearly stated that there was a chance for green, blue, purple, or yellow!! Bungie has no changed it to what the players wanted and I think everyone can see it is at least a bit less exciting.

  • erase99 - 10 years ago

    rather than planetary material drops from bosses, it might be better if each patrol mission dropped 1-2 materials upon completion (in addition to the 10/25 faction reputation). it would add a little more variety to grinding out materials.

    also, the ability to buy other classes' armor so you could put them into the vault for your 2nd and 3rd characters. those 2nd and 3rd chars would still have to grind the armor for xp, but not need to grind faction reputation in order to purchase them initially.

    i also don't believe a trade system would work well unless it had fixed trade costs (ie, 200 vanguard/crucible marks or 15 strange coins or 6 ascendant materials for an exotic).

  • Kinky Vinyl - 10 years ago

    The bosses and Strike missions NEED to be balanced. I go to play the Crucible, and I see the majority of the lobby getting legendaries and shaders. I play a Strike and kill the boss, and I get an item worth 200 glimmer and a blue engram (if I'm lucky). Hell, my friend doesn't even play Strikes because "the rewards are a lot better in the Crucible."

    I don't feel very satisfied playing Strikes because the rewards are so unfulfilling. I could spend three hours in a Vanguard Tiger Strike playlist and I get a few blue engrams for armour.

    When I play on the Crucible, I feel like I didn't earn the rewards I was given. I could be the worst player in the lobby and get multiple shaders and legendary gear after a few matches.

  • JulySpree - 10 years ago

    Man i would love to fight in costum games with friends or against friends, would be so much fun

    Also i would love to take more than one exotic weapon

  • Ensanguine - 10 years ago

    No we do not need a trade system! The second that is implemented the game will be full of farmers and nothing will mean anything gear wise anymore.

  • Bm7kindsofsmoke - 10 years ago

    I like the idea about buying legendary engrams or weapons from vendors, but make them take motes of light! There is nothing worth spending them on currently. Random exotic engram? No thanks, only need one exotic piece.

  • Foxintoxx - 10 years ago

    -a trading system because A FUCKING TRADING SYSTEM . Thats way we could make deals like two legendaries for an exotic . Or simply because getting a warlock helmet in a legendary engram when you're a hunter can be pretty annoying .
    - actual ways of getting shaders as rewards for something like "get 1000 headshots" "finish this mission on hard sithout dying" because atm the only shader which means something is chatterwhite
    -more scenarized missions with cinematics and an actual point instead of just killing things for the sake of it .
    -in-game access to the grimoire cards because they actually explain A LOT about Destiny . Seriously though , 3/4 of the story and info about this universe are only available rough grimoire cards .

  • Zynexus - 10 years ago

    A trade system...

  • AlanEatsAss - 10 years ago

    Matchmaking for raids and weekly heroic story or what ever they are

  • CapnSaltyPants - 10 years ago

    Loot tables for bosses need to be MUCH more balanced. We should be getting rewarded for what we do in Strikes / Crucible.
    Many times I will a kill total more than double others in strike / crucible yet i will receive nothing. And a few days ago, a random joined right as we downed the boss, and received an exotic, and i got a lame blue. Things like that just feel like a slap in the face.

  • midnightowl - 10 years ago

    Other: More varied bounties!

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