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Who did a better job answering the ACA question?

Total Votes: 528

  • Maureen woods - 10 years ago

    McFadden just had rehearsed catch phrases. It's obvious that Franken knows the issues

  • G Huber - 10 years ago

    This was a horrible debate not because of the questions and ideas expressed, but because of the constant interruptions and yelling. The candidate waa not allowed to answer without the other jumping in and talking over their response. While I appreciate the informal round table, it did not work. McFadden was the worst. It showed him as a person who has stock, memorized talking points who can't audible or go off script. He did not come across as very intelligent. He interrupted and stayed the same old things we have heard over and over, even using the exact same words. It's also laughable that he calls Al Franken's ads negative as his have been no different. It's funny his last ad shows his daughter saying my dad doesn't want to negative attack people. What has he been doing on both debates and commercials. It is no different than Al Franken. If I was a candidate I would never agree to this type of debate again.

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