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The next leader of Labour in Scotland will be ...

Total Votes: 124
1 Comment

  • sam - 10 years ago

    The runners are posted at Ladbrokes. Each runner has his/her odds. They are not handicapped - some would differ.

    G McRuin is 3/1. Wee Dougie is 20/1 and is likely to be scratched as a non-runner. I expect he has done his bit of scratching before. Neil Findlay (who he? is developing policy on health inequalities having just noticed that there are just a few) and is 4/1. he'll get his policies fixed for him - I don't know why he bothers. Kezia is an outsider at 14/1.

    The big favourite is the well known comedian (i.e. liar) Eggy Murphy. He is evens with Ladbrokes and odds on with Paddy Powers who will know their murphies as well as their onions. I would like to have the dosh to have a big punt on him (or cruiser, destroyer - stake in the heart, whatever)..

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