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Do you use prescribed pain medication to treat a chronic condition?

Total Votes: 602
1 Comment

  • Ed - 10 years ago

    I have been using pain medications for eighteen years without any side affects. For the past forteen years I have seen a specialist every month because of the amount of medications and that I will need to be on them for life. I have held a commercial driver's license for fortytwo years with a clean record.
    Now with the new regulations for the first time my medical recertification has been denied only because of taking class II medicines. Even though the regulation says I can still drive if my treating physician says I can safely do so, those doing the CDL physicals are refusing to discuss with me my job duties, talk with my treating physician or be reasonable in any way. I have had three physicals all with the same results. Sorry I cann't pass you, thanks for your money. I'm now going to be let go from my job and I don't even drive. I work in the shop. How stupid is that.
    I'll tell you it's not near as stupid as these DAs doing the physicals that don't clearly understand the regulations or when they suggest you quit taking medication or take other more dangerous medications that my specialist tells me would kill me.
    I can only imagine how many good people are being put out of work because of all the hysteria, overreaction and lack of sensable direction. This urgently needs to be addressed, without letting politics get in the way.

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