What was your favorite scene in The Blacklist - "The Mombasa Cartel"?
Cold Open - Flashback scene from 29 years ago; Paris hotel scene with Peter Kincaid killing Boutala; Boy finds corpse on beach
Ezra discovers what Liz has been keeping behind the 'door' and asks, "Do you want to tell Reddington, or should I?"
"Run From Me" musical montage as we meet Matthew Kincaid and his mother with corpses all around
Liz and Red discuss her alias before meeting Geoff Perl as Liz is noticeably nervous about something
Liz meets Geoff Perl with loud music playing overhead
Ressler and Liz pickup Chung after which Liz mentions Ressler's attiude
Liz and the Task Force discover that someone is "poaching the poachers"
Liz reveals what she has been keeping behind the 'door' in the final moments of the episode
Red attempts to convince Liz to take The Mombasa Cartel case in the beginning of the episode
Ressler attacks Matthew Kincaid and stabs him in the abdomen
Liz has Ezra arrested
Red gets Mombasa Cartel associate info from Perl right before he reveals who the little boy was in the flashback scene from 29 years ago
Liz and Red watch the news coverage of the FBI's 4th most wanted fugitive, Red
Ressler comes up to a camp fire in the woods with corpses sitting all around
Red leaves his fedora for Zoe to discover, claiming he is Kenneth Rathers
Final musical montage - Red speaking to Zoe; Liz comforting Ressler
Aram explains his ocean current theory to the Task Force that traces the bodies to Sitka, Alaska
Ressler slamming thumb in the car door to get more medication
Liz walks into the bathroom immediately before Matthew Kincaid and his mother commit suicide
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