Do You Approve Of The Administrations Plans To Bring Ebola-Stricken Patients From Western Africa To The U.S. For Treatment ?


  • Lorenzo - 10 years ago

    Frank. Usually, the holier than thou good intentions of bleeding heart liberals only end up costing us our money. In your case however, it could cost people their lives. Ignorance you say? Earth to Frank: WHO is predicting an increasing epidemic in West Africa and has said this is nowhere close to being controlled or contained. So who's ignorant Frank? Not quarantining our own returning healthcare workers is stupid enough. But after witnessing two of our own highly trained healthcare professionals contract this "not easy to contract" disease, bringing in all manner of infected foreign nationals is suicidal. But then, leave it to a bleeding heart liberal to assuage their own guilt by risking the lives of others. It looks like 99% of those polled here are "ignorant" Frank. But again, you libs are smarter than everyone else, right?

  • Frank - 10 years ago

    A large percentage of Ebola victims in West Africa have been health care workers who contracted the illness while heroically trying to save the lives of others. Compassion and morality require us to help these people by offering them the best treatment options in the world. Bring them to America. People need to stop surrendering to fear, study the science and learn how to protect themselves; government can't and should not do everything for you. It's really not easy to contract this virus. If it was easy, all of the African continent would awash in Ebola. 10,000 people have contracted it. The fear and ignorance being exhibited is far more threatening to Americans than are the odds of contracting Ebola.

  • Hardliner - 10 years ago

    How does this plan protect the US (I thought that's their job)? I view this equivalent to sending a letter to someone containing anthrax.
    Punishment, should someone become infected, for those supporting (if enacted) should be infection by ebola with or with out treatment depending on the survival, or not, of those they infected.

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