Did you like the new design of the website?


  • XYZ - 10 years ago

    Hi, many things pending on homepage beta that you guys can be improve.

    1. Top Ads should be inside a header Or Header should be bigger. Currently black strip of header is equal to navigation strip so try to make it little larger.

    2. On my laptop, I am able to see only one story only in top part of page so this portion should have aleast 5 stories. if you guys trying to show it like to huffingtion or first post then take full picture with high resolution and top ads should be inside a header Take example of ibnlive, livemint or firstpost.com.

    first part of page has 70% ads and 30% contents. As a news site. Content is bigger most important than ads.

    3. Now come to middle part. all section box are not connected . all the row boxes should be well connected with good fonts.

    space between headline and images can be minimize.

    Overall Design is good but can improve better.


  • Japjeet Singh - 10 years ago

    May be that it will take time to get used to the new one, however at first look. I thought that the older one was better - new one at first look to me looked crap!

  • Himmat Singh - 10 years ago

    i appreciate new format but it will take some time to get used to it. another point is how it will perform in the long run will be worth watching.

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