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  • Randy Hale - 9 years ago

    Spyro the Dragon from the original trilogy, no contest.

  • Kombatant - 9 years ago

    I think of

    1st Scorpion
    2nd Princess Mileena
    3rd Lui Kang

  • Lord goro4 - 9 years ago

    2.Shao Kahn

  • Juggs - 9 years ago

    Yoshimitsu, scorpion, sub zero and Nightmare

  • D-devil - 10 years ago

    Sub-Zero *-*

  • julio - 10 years ago


  • prasanna - 10 years ago

    Batman arkham knight.

  • Alan - 10 years ago

    1. Cloud - final fantasy
    2. Spyro - spyro the dragon
    3. Crash - crash bandicoot
    4.Scott Shelby - heavy rain
    5. Silent hill - Silent hill

  • obselder - 10 years ago


  • VovanHorrorMan - 10 years ago

    1.Abe - Oddworld New'N'Tasty
    2.Pyramid Head - Silent Hill
    3.James Sunderland - Silent Hill 2
    4.Crash - Crash Bandicoot
    5.Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

  • Adamska Fair - 10 years ago

    Ellie of the last of us ;D

  • Robert - 10 years ago

    Come on guys. Spyro and Crash were my childhood

  • Needles - 10 years ago

    Let's not forget the bros that started it all:
    Sweet Tooth/Needles Kane
    Crash Bandicoot
    Kratos is fair game, but you can't top the originals

  • Tommo - 10 years ago

    You have to examine a few elements when pointing out who's 'iconic'. You have to consider who made the biggest cultural impact, who was the most successful and who is easiest to recognise.

    Spyro is certainly easy to recognise with this bright colours and signature silhouette, but his games weren't as popular as the rather less distinguishable Snake.

    I don't think you could even consider characters like 'Cole Phelps' and 'Joel'. Boring fuckers.

  • patrick - 10 years ago

    solid is the great one

  • Lorca - 10 years ago

    Without any doubt "Solid Snake"...

  • fabrizzio - 10 years ago

    En particular me enacanta metal gear saga por eso solid snake big boss son los mas iconicos de play station

  • kevin - 10 years ago

    me encantan todos los games los amo

  • kevin - 10 years ago

    me encantan todos los games los amo

  • LiberiFatali - 10 years ago


  • Solid Snake - 10 years ago

    I'm no hero, never was... but I'm Damn sure the 'Greatest PlayStation Icon of All Time'.

  • DAVE - 10 years ago

    just one hero !!! Solid Snake !!!

  • Richard - 10 years ago

    Crash Bandicoot obviously, he was like the Playstation Mascot back in the 90's.

  • Yuuki - 10 years ago

    Metal Gear !!

  • Dean - 10 years ago

    So Gitaroo Man doesn't even get a spot, while loads of non Exclusive characters do, that makes sense, the best thing about PS though is its vast cataloger of games and fact it doenst have to rely on an icon for its brand image, the PlayStation brand itself is it's own icon.

  • Nuno Ribeiro - 10 years ago


    1 - Big Boss (metal gear solid)
    2 - Solid Snake (metal gear solid)
    3 - Heihachi Mishima (tekken)
    4 - Carl Johnson (gta: san andreas)
    5 - Liquid Snake (metal gear solid)

    I wanted to put Yoshimitsu, Crash Bandicoot and much more, but i could only choose 5, so i chose my 5 favourite icons (not the best, my personal favourite)

    Characters such as Nathan Drake (uncharted), Ezio Auditore (assassin's creed), etc. doesn't make sense, because they only appeared on PS3, and this is supposed to be "greatest icons ever"

  • jesus camarillo - 10 years ago


  • Nelson Muñoz - 10 years ago

    Definitely vote first by Solid Snake, then by Aerith, followed by Claire Redfield, and culminating with Nathan Drake.

  • crevette - 10 years ago

    What?? " James Sullivan-Silent Hill 2" ??! O__O Please James SUNDERLAND,not Sullivan..

    1-James SUNDERLAND – Silent Hill 2
    2-Big Boss – Metal Gear Solid III: Snake Eater
    3-Wander – Shadow Of The Colossus

  • Plan B - 10 years ago

    bioshock infinite/Booker Dewitt & Dante/DMC:Devil May Cry

  • solid - 10 years ago

    Crash Bandicot
    Solid Snake

  • Ahmed mehdi - 10 years ago

    Always one man

  • Patrick Lewis - 10 years ago

    Pipo Monkeys- Cool Minions better than the Minions from Despicable Me
    Crash Bandicoot-My all time favorite PlayStation game
    Sly Cooper- Cool game
    Sackboy- PlayStations cute answer to Kirby

  • Jesus Batalla - 10 years ago


  • Joshua (PSN=BadDudeJosh) Tolley - 10 years ago

    Solid Snake
    Crash Bandicoot
    Nathan Drake

  • JaGoose - 10 years ago

    Has to be Barry Burton.

    "That was too close! You were almost a Jill sandwich!"

  • Joe - 10 years ago

    Yo, morons. Imbeciles. Do you not know the difference between a game being good and if a character is actually representative of the console? Do you not even know what you're voting? Dumbasses!

  • guillermo - 10 years ago

    Beyond two souls
    heavenly sword
    The last of us

  • Billy - 10 years ago

    I love how this test had characters from portal 2...... That was an Xbox exclusive originally *facepalms*

  • Tim - 10 years ago

    Vivi, Pyramid head, Sora

  • Julia - 10 years ago

    RESIDENT EVIL will always be the best. The Second one will be Silent Hill. There are no better Games i played ever !!!!!!!!

  • Mike Green - 10 years ago

    And on a side note..what..y'all ain't gunna give my boy HASAO from .HACK//GU any props,wha'sup with that,that series was awesome an' a

  • Mike Green - 10 years ago

    First and foremost Sephiroth from Final FantasyVII followed up by Solid Snake from Metal Gear solid with either Dante from Devil May Cry or Albert Wesker from Resident Evil comin in,neck and neck,for third place. Cloud Striff-FFVII,Cyborg Ninja-metal gear solid,Chris Redfield-resident evil,Gabriel Belmont-castlevania lord of shadows,Heihachi Mishima-tekken,Kratos-god of war,Pyramid Head-silent hill 2,Raiden-metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty as the top 8 runner-ups..just my opinion as a former PS-UNDERGROUND tester lmao

  • Medievil - 10 years ago

    Where is Sir Daniel Fortesque?

  • REISOW - 10 years ago

    No Sly Cooper love makes me sad. Sly is one of Sony's best mascots and deserves to be up there with Rachet, Jak, Kratos, and Lara.

  • Imaotaku - 10 years ago


  • Eclipse - 10 years ago

    Sora from Kingdom Hearts~

  • avery - 10 years ago


  • Mr FOXHOUND - 10 years ago

    Being a fan of MGS for over 20 years, I'm going to have to go with Solid Snake.

  • Matthew - 10 years ago

    No third parties please.

  • Marvin - 10 years ago

    Tough crowd but I had to choose Kratos, Lara Croft, and Nathan Drake. God of War, Tomb Raider, and Uncharted have been some of the greatest gaming franchises ever. They kept me on the Playstation and away from other consoles.

  • Leon Marvel - 10 years ago

    Rikimaru . Tenchu
    Dante . Devil May Cry (Classic)
    Raiden . Metal Gear Rising

  • awardwinner - 10 years ago

    You guys kidding?

    Pyramid Head all the way!

  • Laharl - 10 years ago

    Crash Bandicoot!
    Just re-watch those the commercials of the games, FEEL THE 90'S GOODNESS.

  • salvador - 10 years ago

    Come On Guys Lets Be Real Lata Croft. First Of All Tomb Raider 1,2,3,4 Sold Millions For Play Station They Where All Greatest Hits Then Tomb Raider Angel Of Dariness And Legend Sold Millions More For Play Station 2 And Aniversary Was A Great Remake And Then We Had Tomb Raider Underworld For Play Sation 3 And Tomb Raider Reboot Wish Sold Millions And Won Awards And Recieve Amazing Reviews For Play 3 Not Forgetting Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light So Como On Tomb Raider Has To Be Number 1 Then Mortal Kombat Cjaracters And Then Residenet Evil And Spyro

  • Radi Sha Blone - 10 years ago

    The best bad Man, ever!!!

  • Mel - 10 years ago

    Obviously someone who is exclusive to the PS to represent it. Nathan Drake, Ellie, etc.

  • Xero Beam - 10 years ago

    BioShock started as an XBox exclusive - I hardly see how he qualifies as a PS icon.. all I'm gonna say.

  • Humine Rashid - 10 years ago

    I voted for:

    Crash Bandicoot
    Solid Snake (MGS)
    Carl Johnson (GTA San Andreas)

  • Aglaophotis - 10 years ago

    Who the hell is James Sullivan? It's Sunderland! (Silent Hill 2).

  • Spork - 10 years ago

    Went for Solid Snake, choice was hard though... my top 5:
    2.Crash Bandicoot,
    3.Spyro the Dragon,
    4.Nathan Drake,

  • Feldman - 10 years ago

    It's the history of PlayStation, which dates back to 95. Putting Cole or Drake shouldn't really be considered. Third party games also. I voted Crash. Snake would be an option too from the original MGS.

  • Darklurkr23 - 10 years ago

    Cole, Kratos, and Drake


  • Dean - 10 years ago

    I see absolutely no Sackboy love in these comments, and it makes me sad

  • Ryan - 10 years ago


  • David - 10 years ago

    Its just not fair that Crash hasnt been around for something new on consoles for 6 Years so far! He's always going to be very populer and i loved him so much ever since i first played PlayStation back in 1998.

    SONY Really.......Really.......Really need to consider of buying Crash IP from Activision since they only care for Call of Duty & Skylanders the way they done to Spyro now that i hate cause of they are best selling franchises they have, and theres even been word if Activision doesnt do anything with Crash by 2021 they'll lose the IP..... and 90% of fans already doesnt trust them doing next game.

    Not to mention its because of Activision that Sony couldnt get Crash or Spyro into PlayStation All-Stars which woulve made the game sell Times more than its current sales :(

    Back at July the release date of New N Tasty, it felt the best time of all 2014!!! because of how good it is to see Abe back and released first on PlayStation brand on Console 4 :D

    PaRappa the Rapper is also 1 of my other childhood PSone Characters that is infact because of him that got me into PlayStation All-Stars since its announcement and i'm really rubbish on Fighting games, but having characters I grew up with such as PaRappa, it made me fell in love with the game now :) and now have been chocking on need of Knowing when PaRappa 3 is coming since he never got new game after Number 2 on PS2.

  • Matt - 10 years ago

    wanted to vote Nathan Drake but I had to vote for Crash Bandicoot. Naughtydog seriously needs to bring him back.

  • Kazz - 10 years ago

    Anyone who did not vote for Crash, Spyro or Rayman is probably underaged

  • Mike Blanco - 10 years ago

    If Kratos wasn't your #1 then you're not a true PlayStation fan. Numbers 2 $ 3 for me, Crash and Jak. Theses are the games that BUILT PlayStation!

  • Mark Stoll - 10 years ago

    Going strictly with characters who are (or originally were) PS exclusive characters, I went with the following:
    1. Sora
    2. Solid Snake
    3. Cole MacGrath

  • Benchmark - 10 years ago

    Voted Jill valentine. Would've been solid snake but when I think of metal gear it's not snake as a character its David Hayter

  • El Chico de Hojalata - 10 years ago

    And... Daniel Forteske?

  • Mohamad Fadhli - 10 years ago

    Kazuma kiryu anyone? He's kinda awesome yknow.

  • LeeLee - 10 years ago

    Anyone who didn't vote Crash Bandicoot, Rayman, and Spyro the Dragon is wrong

  • UnKnown - 10 years ago

    My vote:
    Captain Price
    Batman :D

  • jinkazshima - 10 years ago

    1. Jin Kazama - Tekken
    2. Scorpion - Mortal Kombat
    3. Ryu - Street Fighter

  • Michael - 10 years ago

    1. Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
    2. Crash Bandicoot
    3. Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)

  • dm - 10 years ago

    Ellie & Joel - The Last of Us. Best game I've ever played... everything about this game made me fall in love with gaming again!

  • Statik - 10 years ago


  • Shiranui - 10 years ago

    How can a third party game character be a Playstation icon??

    PS icons: Samanosuke Akechi, Ico, Kratos, Nariko, Nathan Drake, Joel, Ellie. Look no further.

  • Mobius-Wan - 10 years ago

    Wanted to vote Batman. But Solid Snake is the shit.

  • Bart Millow - 10 years ago

    Scorpion and Sub zero

  • Kristopher Byrd - 10 years ago

    It came down to Three choices for me. 1. Batman. All those games for PS3 did VERY well, especially Arkham City. If you haven't had the chance to experience any of these games, you are robbing yourself from a bat cave full of joy and bad-ass brutal beat downs. 2. Kratos, I don't really feel I should have to explain this one. He is PlayStation. In fact he is soo PlayStation, that when Netherrealm studios made him a playable character in Mortal Kombat, he was only available via PlayStation, giving the ole Xbox the big (well deserved) F*** You! Leading us to number 3. Scorpion, who has always been my favorite Ninja besides Rikimaru of Tenchu who sadly died with the PS2. People who weren't even familiar with Mortal Kombat or fighting games were ALL playing this game after this Re-launch was released! Has anyone noticed all the Sub Zero and Scorpion rip-off costumes in major stores around Halloween? With names like "Ice Ninja" or "Fire Zombie Ninja?" Those two and their battle are becoming as iconic as Luke and Vader, or Batman and Joker! I really wanted to include Sack boy as well, but I feel like our beloved system is more for the big boys and not so much for kids as much anymore, plus PlayStation kind of pushed him on us. I mean LittleBigPlanet wasn't THAT great of a game, but it sure does keep my 3 yr old quite entertained!

  • Chris H - 10 years ago

    Couldn't decide between Crash, Cloud, Kratos, Nathan Drake, and Sephiroth. So many good icons. Just a shame most of them only lasted a generation or two so far.

  • Mario - 10 years ago

    crash ftw

  • Bryar - 10 years ago

    Uncharted & The Last Of Us :P

  • Jorge - 10 years ago

    A vote for Batman it's a vote for justice

  • Alan - 10 years ago

    1.Nathan Drake
    The End.

  • MantisFL - 10 years ago

    Cloud Strife, Solid Snake, Jin Kazama

  • Ernesto - 10 years ago

    Nemesis was a monster who gave me many hours of fear. although dante and scorpion have their merits. All tremble to hear that voice saying S.T.A.R.S

  • Malek - 10 years ago

    Scorpion and Sub-Zero - Mortal Kombat

  • Sabbir Hoque - 10 years ago

    It's Kratos of course. Kratos represents PlayStation only whereas other characters come in other platforms as well. For them, there is nothing iconic about PlayStation. They don't represent any particular platform but Kratos DOES.

  • Lastenía - 10 years ago

    Scorpion is the shit!

  • Ricardo - 10 years ago

    Scorpion rules

  • Nishi - 10 years ago

    1.- solid snake
    2.- lara croft
    3.- kratos

  • sIMON - 10 years ago

    obvs Spyro

  • Eight Tails - 10 years ago

    im not here to start flames or anything, just an opinion, but if this is a vote on iconic sony characters, then shouldn't it be Sony Exclusive characters?


    so i went with dante

  • Sean Perrōdín - 10 years ago

    crash !

  • aquiles78 - 10 years ago

    1. Crash Bandicoot for the win
    2. Naked Snake, the big boss... the original and best snake.
    3. The Shirai Ryu infernal assasin, Scorpion of Mortal Kombat.

  • Jacob - 10 years ago

    I love Ellie so much!!!!

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