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Should NASCAR penalize Jeff Gordon or Brad Keselowski for Sunday's brawl at Texas?

Total Votes: 9,521

  • Carol Whitehouse - 10 years ago

    Fines aren't doing. Suspend Gordon and Harvick. Nascar get it together.

  • sam - 10 years ago

    looks like to me 8 recked 1 to get closer to top

  • Jackie crist - 10 years ago

    Penalize Harvick and Gordon. Nothing would have happened if Harvick had not shoved Brad into Gordon.

  • James - 10 years ago

    what did Nascar do K Bush when he was driving like that they need to settle Kaslowski
    down set him out 1 race

  • Race Fan - 10 years ago

    I am also not a fan of Keslowski but Gordon was wrong here and will see that when he reviews the film. In pass races Keslowski has caused a lot of wreaks with his over aggressive driving. His rep carried over to this confrontation. I am sure Gordon felt that Keslowski was trying to wreak him without knowledge that he left a hole for Keslowski to drive into to create 3 wide on the final lap. As for penalties, all the crews that were involved should be fined. I did not see Harvick, Gordon or Keslowski throw a punch. Gordon grabbing Keslowski should not warrant a fine as the fight last didn't get one.

  • Rich Croft - 10 years ago

    The guy from great clips crew are the ones that need to be looked at, the guy came over the top swinging...he shouldn't have been in there.
    Kevin pushing, funny, Brad n Jeff......they both needed fat lips from races long ago. I'm not a Brad fan but, Jeff left the door open and Brad took it. Brad had to win just as bad as Gordon to continue. Jeff did what he always does......cry and blame......I would rather see punches in the pits then cars in the wall anyday. Nobody dies from a fat lip! Brads aggressive but he has to be, he is on his way out if he doesn't pull a hail Mary to get back Jeff has to do the same thing!
    As far as Jimmy winning the race....who cares, hes out of the championship now.......LET EM RACE!

  • Dick TICE - 10 years ago

    I seem to remember that Jr was fined and had points taken away after uttering the same word that Jeff did in a vicyory celebration at the same track and going fof a championship. How about that NASCAR. Put Jrffie in his place.

  • CJ - 10 years ago

    Almost forgot, your Poll should include - PENALIZE NASCAR [ X ]. After all, they created this mess.

  • CJ - 10 years ago

    In my humble opinion NASCAR is the villain here as usual, throwing unnecessary, convenient "cautions" during races just to create the very endings they need. They've done it quite often in recent years and especially when certain drivers pull away for the win. You can bet your wallet on it and win just about every time. If someone they don't particularly want to win that day is "stealing" their thunder out comes the caution flag for debris (candy wrapper, water bottle, etc) on or too near the racing surface. Not a dramatic enough finish if a particular driver wins. Yet if their destined driver is in position to provide an exceptionally popular and exciting win there can be a mine field of debris and no "caution" flag is thrown. No telling how many wins Gordon and several other deserving drivers would have had if not for the keepers of the yellow flag "throwing" races over the past few years. NASCAR has lost so much credibility it isn't likely they'll ever fully recover. My final comment is that the real NASCAR died the day Dale Sr. died. If he was still with us you wouldn't be seeing this "carnival side show" atmosphere they now call professional racing. Hard to stay interested in their latest creation. Mostly a big JOKE!

  • doyle - 10 years ago

    Nascar is the one that created this all they care about is TV ratings.Brad needs to sit out a few races he has been involved in the last 3 post race brawls

  • jhall - 10 years ago

    I think the pit crews should be penalized. If the drivers want to throw down, let them go (at least for a second) but let officials break it up. Crews need to be controlled. You have 300+ pounders getting involved and could seriously injure someone.

  • John Clark - 10 years ago

    The first reason I have stopped watching the races is that big money in the sport has caused only a few being able to win, and the second reason is because of the fighting, it is no longer a sport.

  • charlie - 10 years ago

    "Have at it boys."

  • Justin - 10 years ago

    What happen at Texas is at the very core of what stock car racing is. Go to any small local track on a Friday night and this always happens no fines no penalties it's just the way stock car racing is. They beat the crap out of each other on the track and then beat the crap out of each other off the track. This is why 100k people will pay $90+ to watch 43 men drive around in circles.

  • scott - 10 years ago

    what happened is good for the sport.

  • Ron - 10 years ago

    I think the bigger problem is not the after race environment, but the fact that tow of the final 4 could be none race winners during the season. One could also be the highest finisher the last race and not be a race winner, but be the champ. No other sport crowns a champ that does not win during the season. As for Gordon/BK, I think Gordon will see what happened during the replays and realize he was the one that caused his own damage. Every other driver would fill the hole and go three wide just like BK. You see it every race. But Gordon will never admit it was his fault. He will just continue whining like he has his whole career.

  • Lawrence - 10 years ago

    This is the France family's creation plain and simple, outside the track these drivers will have dinners together, go to fan functions together, do all kinds of things together. Make NASCAR look good politically speaking, that is what the France family wants up until the green flag drops on race day. As soon as the green flag drops the France family wants the drivers to switch their mentality to "Your just another number out there". When the checkered flag drops the France family wants the drivers to go back to speaking and acting politically correct. REALLY!, Jeff was TOTALLY out of line in this deal, Brad was doing the exact same thing as Jeff was, going for the win and a chance to clinch a spot in the finale hence "YOUR JUST ANOTHER NUMBER OUT THERE".

  • L Mac - 10 years ago

    Good job Brad You did nothing wrong. It is refreshing to remind Us of the great old school racer We knew as the Intimidator. Just smart racing. The babies will have to get use to having a new kid that wont take their crap.

  • Alvin Milligan - 10 years ago

    NASCAR created this format, they should have anticipated emotions would run amok when these guys are trying to get into the chase or just win the race! DON'T PENALIZE THESE GUYS FOR JUST TRYING TO GET THE JOB DONE!

  • Ginger - 10 years ago

    First let me say I am a huge HMS and Chevy fan but on this Gordon was out of line. The first mistake was restarting on the outside. Brad filled the hole like any driver with b==== would, he didn't intend to cause Jeff a flat tire but this is one of the things that happens when you really race and Brad has every right to race as hard or harder to try and make it into the championship playoff. I was disappointed the way Jeff carried on after the race and feel he owes Brad an apology as a matter of fact all the drivers should get a grip and really examine why they seem to feel the need to bully Brad. Sure he does dance to his owe beat but why shouldn't he, I respect that. He goes for broke, he pushes the limit and well he should. But it's looking like a gang mentality toward Brad and I think the drivers should just chill out.

  • Hagie - 10 years ago

    I'm not a fan of Kaslowski but he did nothing wrong in the race. Gordon came down from the high line and brushed with Keslowski who was driving straight ahead. I believe it is Gordon's spotter who is at fault. Gordon didn't have the whole picture but went off half cocked on Brad. Emotions are high and NASCAR created this environment. No penalties!

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