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Will Governor Malloy Win Re-Election?


  • Rich - 10 years ago

    We MUST reverse the social and corporate welfare atmosphere in CT. The citizens of this State have lost their voice as individuals. We cannot allow a select few leftist liberals to decide what's best for us.

  • Concerned - 10 years ago

    I hope for the sake for the State that we replace most of the Dems this time around...wishing for the best.

  • Den - 10 years ago

    The sheeple of Connecticut will return all the Liberal Democrats to office because they can't read past D on the ballot and because you can't beat Santa Claus. What a shame it will be. We have a chance to reverse all the nonsense this administration has done and have a common sense Businessman running the State. The low info voters will again prove they don't know what they think they know. Glad I will be leaving soon.

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