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Broncos Safety T.J. Ward


  • Tekeelashots - 10 years ago

    That was exactly how they tried to take down Nimkovich after his interception too.

  • Dustin - 10 years ago

    This hit was not legal. Leading with the helmet to the head or anywhere should be ILLEGAL. You are talking about someone's health, not just in football. You come over here and ill take a dive at your knee with a helmet on and we will see what's up. Like God. Ya by NFL rules it is legal. Not sure why. I hope the NFL gets some lawsuits coming there way because hits like these are preventable. Intent to injure? I would say. When you interview a team and ask them how to take out the Gronk and they say go for his knees and then they go for his knees, ya that is intent to injure. Like I said, you come bring your knee my way and ill come at it like a missile and we will see if you are still talking about the legality of the hit. If you can prevent injuries then do it. He can be tackled. Plenty of other plays have managed to do it. They tackle correctly, lead in with the shoulder or wrap the legs. Just because someone has worked their butt off to get in the physical shape they are in does not mean that you punish them for it by pulling antics like that to take them out of the league permanently. That is exactly what the goal was yesterday and the entire Bronco organization should be fined for that. Adding this up with the Julius Thomas antic pulled earlier in the year, I would say that the team should be given a warning from the NFL with a statement issuing a season ending suspension for the entire organization from any contention of playoffs or disqualification from a playoff game if intent is clearly seen going forward. Otherwise, how is this competitive football at all? Putting bounties on players, "C'mon man...".

  • embalmer20 - 10 years ago

    Why NO call to the league from KRAFT ?

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