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As things stand, will Crystal Palace survive another season in the Premier League? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,888

  • Phillip Followes - 10 years ago

    If the club is to go forward, and have the resources to do so, dropping into the Championship is definitely not the answer, and should be avoided at all costs. Slipping from the Prem to League One is all too easy, as the Championship is highly competitive, and extremely challenging to return from. I wouldn´t even try to start thinking about us back in the Championship. It many be more fun for some, but could turn out to be a disaster. Think about it.

  • lee woo - 10 years ago

    I think we stay up just need more up front . We don't score enough to give gayle more match time

  • Lynne - 10 years ago

    Rather than outright 'No' I am saying 'unlikely'. Instability from takeover talk, less drilling and detail in training, a developing victim mentality make winning enough games unlikely. But on paper there are 3 worse teams so not inevitable. Anyhow, I like the Championship.

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