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What do you think causes Multiple Sclerosis?


  • Anne - 9 years ago

    Was diagnosed in 2006 by lumbar puncture. My mother had ms also.

  • Neelam - 9 years ago

    I think ,it was stress.

  • Rene Weeks - 9 years ago

    Could exposure to mold have anything to do with MS?

  • mark - 9 years ago

    for me its genetics my mom had it and my great great grandmother had it few other members of the family suspected of having it

  • sandra l. dingwall. - 10 years ago

    not sure I believe years ago didn't they get ms and depression cofused with eah other ,, if I recall that right it may of came from depression or waste ... not sure we just need to ffind a cure for this wicked central nervous condtion. auto amune... ty. keep strong keep movin!

  • Shawn - 10 years ago

    I think it comes from Geographic area. When I was diagnosed in 2000 at the age of 21, there were several ladies in there 40's also diag. I was the only male and the youngest.

  • Jayne - 10 years ago

    I think exposure to chemicals eg formaldehyde and xylene have something to do with cause of ms.

  • Dawn Jenkins - 10 years ago

    Not sure because I was born with an abnormal uterus (bicornut uterus) they never found till I was 16, but when I was 4 I woke up with no feeling at all from my waist down! So Not Real Sure ;)

  • Lauris - 10 years ago

    I think - it is diet!!! forced or voluntary  Refusing food. That turn the trigger to attack myelin - very similar to fat cells. that is evan explain why woman suffer more than man and this illines more affects persons in a richest world parts.....but it is only my opinion from observation!

  • peter ashworth - 10 years ago

    I think no-one knows, but there is a connection to clean water sewers. Lyme's disease? Rat urine? Concentrated cosmetic ingredients?
    My suspicion is there.

  • AussiePom - 10 years ago

    i believe stress was the starter and the trigger being adult whooping cough. Since I caught adult whooping cough (despite being immunized as a child) I became susceptible to everything going and have never been right since.

  • Stef - 10 years ago

    My MS was diagnosed after I gave birth to my 3 and 1/2 year old breach. And my doctors are saying that is what has caused it. So I believe stress.

  • Kim James - 10 years ago

    I don't know what causes Multiple Sclerosis and neither does anyone else. Better research is needed. There are so many avenues to research to find the cause and a cure and to repair or reverse the damage.

  • Kelly Stephenson - 10 years ago

    Stress. I have type 1 diabetes and had other major family issues from a young age. My mother is convinced that the combination of those stressors bought on my MS

  • Sue - 10 years ago

    I think that stress is the Cause of my MS.

  • Pauline McGowan - 10 years ago

    I feel that their is a possible link to chemicals as in females cosmetic ,eg, perfumes lipstick, etc and most definitely stress & anxiety

  • Stuart Rowe - 10 years ago

    I've noticed that all of my relapses & also the initial attack that led to my diagnosis, all occurred during periods of extreme, mentally stressful & emotional periods of time in my life. I firmly believe that these stressful events triggered something in me that caused my ms.

  • Corrie Minnaar - 10 years ago

    I think MS is caused by the food we eat. There are so many chemicals and groing hormones put into the food that it is killing us slowly but surely.

  • Ernie - 10 years ago

    US Army Chemical Corps, Ft. McClellan AL.

  • Lynette - 10 years ago

    MS caused by exposure to chemicals, either directly or from food.

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