Do more women self-publish books than men?


  • Connie Cockrell - 10 years ago

    I've self-published ten books so far. I've had a flash fiction published on the e-zine Every Day Fiction. I love having control of my books as they're published and I love being able to see them in print. Comments from my last book signing indicated the books looked professional and those that bought didn't seem to care one way or another.

    I still enter contests and submit to magazines (paper and ezine), so I'm not against traditional publishing, it's just that for me, it's hardly relevant.

  • Kelly O'Callan - 10 years ago

    I have self-published 3 novels within the past year, and have been happy with my decision to do so. Why self-publish for me? Because I could, so why not? However, I've recently began querying to go the traditional route, just to know how things are on the other end. Once I get to experience both avenues (hopefully), I can decide which one I prefer to stick with.

    On another note, I have found that I do enjoy both published and self-published novels equally. Some of my favorite reads this year have been from self-published authors. There may be a couple more flaws with editing, but a good story told by a great storyteller trumps correct grammar usage for me any day. ;-)

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