Which LEGO Deadpool Do You Like Best?


  • fin - 8 years ago

    Nice huck dead pool has the most

  • Samuel - 9 years ago

    I love deadpool

  • Gabe - 9 years ago

    I really really want the regular dead pool

  • Liam young - 9 years ago

    I really like every dead pool but my favourite is hulk deadpool

  • Sergey - 9 years ago

    I love tne original red dead pool.

  • I want a deadpool - 9 years ago

    I want the original or any deadpool

  • Fatcducck lego - 9 years ago

    Hi guys I am waiting for you to come to my website but I have not done any of my videos yet so you will have to wait until I do.

  • christian - 10 years ago


  • bob - 10 years ago

    i was luckey and got the set with deadpool when it first came out so i dont need a coustom

  • dorrian - 10 years ago

    I thought that the grey deadpool was the best because it looks just like the deadpool in the comics.

  • jason byrd - 10 years ago

    are selling bigdeadpool

  • Landon - 10 years ago

    Me to cookie monster

  • Cookie Monster - 10 years ago

    I like the big hulk dead pool cause it's really cool and looks like it took a lot of work to make good work

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