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Were Brookdale police out of line?

Total Votes: 6,556

  • Holy Moly - 10 years ago

    This is an abuse of power. The militarization of our police force with the obvious absence of an intent to protect and serve is not helping anyone.

  • Jill - 10 years ago

    This is ridiculous! Why did he think he was above the law and didn't have to answer the questions the police were asking him?? When a policeman asks you for your name or ID you give it to them. PERIOD. These policeman were doing their jobs. These are the same guys who will put their lives on the line when you call 911 and you need them so why not show them the respect they deserve? This situation got out of hand because the gentleman refused to comply with the police! It doesn't matter if he is a student, father, good guy ect. At that moment he was being questioned by the police and he had no "right" to do anything but answer them. I think he should have been charged with obstructing a police investigation and resisting arrest at the very least. The guy who was recording it,asking them questions and escalating the situation should be charged with obstruction also. He was no victim at all! The people who are saying they should have went to the office and found out who he was there because he refused to tell them his name and show ID are idiots! He could have just answered their questions and went about his business but he chose to be unruly and disrespectful to the police. In my opinion as soon as he refused to put his hands behind his back he should have been taken to the ground and arrested. They showed him more respect than he deserved!! It's so sad that our police officers - the ones that protect us and put their own lives in danger on a daily basis are questioned and treated so badly when they are simply doing their jobs!!! Those of you who support the way this guy acted have no respect for the police should think about who you will call to come save you when someone is breaking into your home or trying to rob you or hurt you in some way!! Police officers should not have to worry about being judged for every action they take while doing their jobs when they are doing it the way they were trained. The hesitation they showed because of the fear of being seen as racist or abusing their power could have gotten them killed! Had this guy been armed he could have easily seriously injured one of them. Maybe you people should research how many police officers die on the job each day while protecting us! I'm shocked at how many people agree with his blatant disrespect and refusal to comply with the officer who simply wanted to see his ID. this is crazy!! Shame on you!!

  • xxx - 10 years ago

    People who believe that the Law is above everyone is ridiculous. Physically, yes, since you have law enforcements who take advantage of their title, but aren't the people of this country suppose to govern themselves in a correct, professional, and orderly form? Anyone who stands beside the police who violate one's NATURAL RIGHTS and their right to know about a situation if they're being arrested, unless it's a dire situation, is the problem. Would it have been so hard for the officers to simply just get a correct identification from the school's administration on the man? I'm pretty sure, as a college student myself, that the first thing you think of in the morning everyday is "Oh, let me not forget my ID." Well, it isn't. Yes, it may be very important to carry it around on campus, but as a human being, guess what? Sometimes you forget because you're not so perfect as someone else wishes you to be.
    Anyways, the man shouldn't have resisted, but he had the right to record the situation and to be aware of the names of the officers and their badge numbers. Maybe if people placed themselves in other's shoes more instead of immediately being unsentimental, they'd sound less dehumanized. Pretty sure if most people, in whatever social class they are in be it low, middle, or high, would also try to explain themselves to the police, unless they've just put themselves beneath the law and given up their rights.

  • Mike - 10 years ago

    Everyone is leaving out the fact he was a suspect in a crime! Repeat this 5 times so no one else forgets.
    That is what started the whole encounter. Read the article and watch his video, he says the incident was resolved but the victim never told the cops. Likewise, there was no Police assault which APP's expert agreed with and basically called the cops out on their poor arrest tactics.

  • mike - 10 years ago

    The officers had zero right to arrest without giving an answer as to why he was arrested. 15 minutes of fame? This guy woke up and went to school that day, do you seriously think he was expecting for all that to happen? For the police to even show up in the first place? Of course when he started to resist arrest he should of complied with them then but they weren't giving him any reason to and being very disrespectful about it and when you're like that it's hard for someone to actually cooperate with you in the proper manner. Every single one of these cops (more so the first 3 who were there from the start) should have their badges all taken away from them. You are supposed to be HELPING people, and putting CRIMINALS away. This guy was treated like he just tried to attempt murder. Completely and utterly disgusting if you ask me.

  • Jerzey - 10 years ago

    There was no forced used!!! That's the problem! The police let this guy control the situation. They kept letting go of him, the handcuff is swinging. He's controlling them. He should of immediately been taken to the ground and handcuffed to effect the arrest since he was resisting. Whether u feel the arrest is unlawful or not you can not resist. Comply and sort it out later. This guy is looking for his 15 minutes. Hmmmm wonder what his criminal background is?!

  • Bill Sleight - 10 years ago

    Whether the arrest is legal or not, one does mot have the right to refuse to be arrested. The legality is worked out later, Whatever the other charged are, he is huilty of resisting

  • Bill Sleight - 10 years ago

    Whether the arrest is legal or not, one does mot have the right to refuse to be arrested. The legality is worked out later, Whatever the other charged are, he is huilty of resisting

  • Charles - 10 years ago

    It appears the student was presumed guilty before being innocent. The student who I have empathy for was probably being excessively harmed for no good reason. This is not the COPS TV show, but a show of brutality. Where is the proof beyond a reasonable doubt? I am caucasian and quite a conservative fellow, but have been searched before and pushed around by bully cops in a certain Jersey shore rich and famous town where I paid high property taxes. Let these Brookdale police and other "tough police" anywhere see how tough they really are with a Real police job in Camden, Newark or even Asbury Park.

  • noname - 10 years ago

    I guess people are forgetting that you do have the right to know what you are being arrested for and it clearly is stated when "maranda" is being read. It's the same as getting pulled over and asking "why am I being pulled over". And also by law officers are suppose to give badge numbers and names when all asked. Comments being made about asbury park and shootings has nothing to do with this incident. And if a incident occurred a week prior it should of been handled during that week. Poor excuses poor policy work all around a situation that could of been avoided had police followed proper protocol and investigated properly. However, clearly it wasn't and this was the outcome. People need to put their self in others shoes!!!

  • Eddie - 10 years ago

    Foolish to fight the cops. Follows the old adage, 'you get more with honey than you do with vinegar'...

  • Paul - 10 years ago

    Those officers showed a tremendous amount of restraint. I would even say too much for their own safety. Who knows what this guy could have had on him. They had every right to take him down to the ground but they didn't. I couldn't even count the amount of times they warned him about getting sprayed before they had no other option. Brookdale PD should sent a thank you letter to the punk that shot the video. Take a guess on who it's really going to help in court. Here's a hint, it's not the guy resisting arrest.

  • Cindi - 10 years ago

    I think the police were very restrained in their actions. The subject should have complied, perhaps if his friend had not been egging on the situation the subject would have been more cooperative. Let them have their 20 minutes of fame, the video will help prove to the court how the subject was resisting.

  • Ray - 10 years ago

    I'll take the apologies issued by the BD police to the person arrested as an indication that it could have been handled much better by the police. I hope we haven't heard the end of this, it's a troubling trend against or freedom as US citizens.

  • Mike - 10 years ago

    This video shows a great deal of restraint by the police considering there were three officers that were struggling to arrest this man. Regardless of his status as father, student, or a good man, the officers placed him under arrest and he continue used to resist. There is absolutely no obligation for the police to recite a list of charges or their names and badge numbers on demand of an arrestee. This information must be provided at some point during the arrest process but the arrestee does not dictate when. For those who disagree with me, if you research the laws of our United States you will see that I am correct. Also, this is far from brutality---as defined by Noah Webster. Whether it is a lawful arrest and reasonable force was used is a matter for the courts, not the arrestee or his friends or the media, to decide. This is a great video of the errors our education system has made in not teaching people their rights and obligations under the law. You never have the right to resist arrest, even an unlawful arrest, under the United States Constitution and the laws of all 50 states.

  • Ray - 10 years ago

    It seems as if some want the police to treat all incidents as if they are in down town Asbury Park after a shooting. This is a publicly funded community college not a private institution or corporation. All the police had to do was say what he was suspected of. The fact that they would not supports my position of police force. Are they there to protect and SERVE ? What are they trying to prove.

  • Lenny - 10 years ago

    I find the mere inference of this article to be unnecessarily inflammatory.

    Brookdale is akin to private property and is NOT the equal to the public streets and until someone proves they are on campus lawfully, they should be considered INTRUDERS, i.e., trespassers. In the wooded areas near the reservoir, there are plenty of NO TRESPASSING signs. Brookdale CC not only has a right to confront those THEY deem suspicious, but they have a duty to confront them. That is their job.

    Hey buddy, show your ID, let the cops get to the bottom of this and move along.

    This guy, instead, decided to be a troll and stick up for what he erroneously believed were his "rights." If the cops tell you you're under arrest, you submit, end of story. The use of force the Asbury Park Press is curiously questioning was made necessary by the suspect here and not by the cops. Yes, the SUSPECT's actions necessitated the force.

    The cops have absolutely no duty to cite chapter an verse of their justification for the encounter at the scene. They are to control the situation and it isn't a debate. Anyone who thinks Miranda applies to this or whether he needs the charges explained before the situation is stabilized has no clue what he/she is talking about.

    When will the next Seung-Hui Cho strike? Let's hope never but instead of questioning the lawful actions of the Brookdale Police here, let's applaud them for making an effort to keep the campus safe. Maybe next time, the police should ignore suspicious characters lurking on campus periphery. Calling all predators!!!

    Shame on the Asbury Park Press for their yellowish journalism -for going for the sensationalism and for perpetuating false assumptions about correct police procedure with some farcical poll and encouraging a wholly ignorant mindset

  • Ray - 10 years ago

    Brookdale should issue an official apology of how this was handled. Have police forgotten that there are options other than force.

  • Frank - 10 years ago

    Yes, this is disgusting...what this student did, that is. You are REQUIRED by campus rules to provide ID. You DO NOT have to be informed of what you are being arrested for while being arrested. That comes after you are in custody. This is a prime example of why black people get shot. He could have cooperated and then asked for a lawyer and resolved this peacefully. This student's defiant actions are the reason this got out of control. I especially like the part where the black officer barely has his hands around the guy's neck for a second or two and a few seconds after the officers hands are no where near his neck the guys looks right at the camera and says he can't breathe and then says he fears for his life and then goes right back to arguing. No labored breath when he says any of that. Yeah, is THIS how people are telling black guys to act when stopped? That was about as rehearsed a comment as can be that it actually made this comical. I seriously feel embarrassed for this guy's family after how he acted. Way to be a role model for your kids. Don't want to get shot? Don't try to fight the Police when you encounter them. And please someone inform all the ignorant people on here what your rights ACTUALLY are and what you are required to do for Police investigating a crime.

  • Jai - 10 years ago

    You are a total ass hole James

  • Bekah - 10 years ago

    This is so wrong! He had every right not to answer. Also the officers were compleatly out of line, why wouldn't they tell him why he was being arrested? I hope the officers receive severe retribution. They could have seriously injured him.

  • James - 10 years ago

    Listen the law is very clear here. Those officers showed entirely too much restraint. The law is very clear, if your are told you are under arrest and your liberties are being taken from you do exactly what the police tell you. These police officers could have been seriously hurt multiple times during this confrontation. The bottom line you have to understand is that the police do not know you and what your intentions are. I applaud the Brookdale Police Officers for the restraint they showed during this violent encounter. The camera man came entirely too close to the officers while they were making this lawful arrest. He should have been arrested the second he came that close to them. Had this nursing student been on a shooting rampage you cowards would be applauding these officers too. What everyone is failing to see is the police have to treat a crazy shooting suspect and a random accused the exact same way. This man pulled his arms away from the police and failed to comply multiple times. Mark my words his career as a licensed nurse in NJ is over. And I am thankful for that. Clearly this "good father" has no place helping people. Im sure the prison term he will serve will give him time to think had I just listened I would have received a summons from the police and had my day in court. If you are voting yes above than shame on you. If this incident occurred in any other police jurisdiction this video might have showed something shocking. If I was the police officer here I would have identified that moron with the camera and mailed him his summons for obstructing a lawful arrest. You do not have the right to intervene with the police while they are doing their job. Take your camera and get a safe distance away where you belong tough guy.

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 10 years ago

    He asked why are you arresting me, they would not answer. He asked over and over. He has a right to know!!!!

  • Lou - 10 years ago

    no one is above the law. No matter who he is... Or what he is doing ... Officers orders you must comply. Would he have done that we wouldn't have all the excitement of social media spreading this crap. There was no harassment. He had a prior incident. They wanted to ask him questions he would not provide I'dentification. I think all involved are just looking for some time in the public eye.

  • Anthony - 10 years ago

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