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  • Joe - 10 years ago

    I find it hilarious that so many "feminists" are basically saying that he "had it coming" because of what he was wearing... That sounds awfully familiar... I'm sure I've heard "feminists" talk about something like that before but I can't quite place it...

  • Josh - 10 years ago

    Yes the shirt is offensive and he was mistaken to wear it. A lot of comments on this incident are basically "oh geez big deal don't be so sensitive." Well, I agree that everyone should do their part to make a discussion as drama-free as possible. However simply voicing opposition to a certain behavior in the workplace shouldn't be confused with a personal attack. If someone asks me to stop doing something that is bothering them, I apologize and stop, as long as they aren't asking me to stop doing something necessary for my job! That's the point. There is no way that that shirt helps him study comets. If someone in his office is distracted from her job by that shirt, then the shirt should go. This is just being considerate.

    I'll add that if I had a 14 year old daughter I don't think I would be comfortable with her male science teacher wearing such a shirt in class.

  • Rachel - 10 years ago

    I find this shirt offensive. Previous commenters intimated that only women who actively work in STEM (and of course the commenter himself) should be allowed to weigh in on this issue, so fine: I'm a woman in STEM and if a coworker had worn this I'd be uncomfortable with Him wearing it to work. I'd like to think I'd be able to respectfully tell a coworker why and have him consider my opinions without either of us bursting into tears because we're both professionals.

    If his coworkers weren't offended AND there is a working environment where they felt safe to speak up if they had been, fine and good. However, if you choose to present yourself publicly, have some awareness of the image you're presenting. Academia is often lax with codes of dress and conduct, but maybe stuff that would get by in his day to day isn't such a good idea for TV.

  • Guy - 10 years ago

    I don't see the shirt as sexist and I feel awful that he was reduced to tears about it.

    Alot of the arguements used against the shirt and how STEM careers are sexist would fail if we reversed the genders.

    e.g. More men in STEM = Sexism
    More women in Teaching/Nursing/Social services = Not sexism

    Matt Taylor wears a shirt with women on it = sexism
    Female scientist wears a shirt with men on it = Not sexism

    It just doesn't hold up. This whole notion of "casual sexism" is like trying to find sexism in every little thing, it's like you are trying to be offended.

    Even if the entire population was the same gender, no matter what career you enter, there will be personality clashes, obstacles and challenges. If you enter a career thinking that every one of your co-workers and the company will go out of their way to accomdate your viewpoints and to not offend you. YOU DO NOT DESERVE THAT CAREER (and that is referring to any career, not just in STEM)

    No matter what career it is, I am sorry the real world is tough, but if something in life is worth having and striving for, saying "sexism" is what stopped you is simply an excuse.

    Challenges exist to seperate those who are willing to work hard and those who just keep finding excuses.

    This is why there is such a big backlash against the feminist who attacked Matt Taylor, it is hyprocritical and really does make women look delicate and easily offended.

  • Mel - 10 years ago

    It's infuriating. The "feminists" (in quotes because they aren't) drawing attention away from all the women involved in the project, to focus on one man's shirt. Did you know so many women were involved in the project? You won't hear about that from the "feminists" because their narrative is that women are frightened away from STEM because of teh evil menz, so it's necessary to ignore this inconvenient truth.

    And it's not just one man being bullied. It's also the women in STEM speaking up and saying that shirt doesn't offend them and it would never frighten them away from STEM. They're getting as bad a bashing from the "feminists" who will tell them what they must think and feel, thank you very much.

    Unfortunately, the women in STEM are not full-time blawwwgers. They have science to do. So the "feminist" blawwwgers get the word out and claim to be speaking for ALL women, and who does the media listen to? "Oppression of Women" is a great story. "Misogyny in STEM? Are you serious? Excuse me, I'm late to the lab" (from a woman scientist) doesn't make headlines.

    The falsely-so-called "feminists" oppress both men and women. THAT should be the headline. But it won't be.

  • DC - 10 years ago

    Regardless of the appropriateness of the shirt, the bullying in response to it was completely inappropriate. All bullying should be stopped, even if someone thinks the cause is just.

  • Chloe - 10 years ago

    If I were a man I think I wouldn't feel too wise to have worn it, but it shows he is unafraid and willing to stand scrutiny.

    This is much better than men who act all in solidarity with women's feelings, but secretly want to rape us.

    He likes women. Good.

    He has a lack of sense of appropriateness. Bad.

    But I'd rather people are open about themselves and a few people get their panties in a twist, than to have a society where we all crowd around the least dangerous style like sheep.

  • Jake - 10 years ago

    I'm surprised that feminists spend so much energy trying to warn people against the evils of body and clothing policing, and yet their collective outrage over how this man was dressed ended up flooding the internet for a few days. This is not a real debate, it's a circus based on the stirred up emotions of self-proclaimed social justice warriors.

  • Daniel - 10 years ago

    I found this really cool. It's unusual in fact, I won't wear that actually, but I like the design xD.
    This is not sexist at all, it doesn't prevent women getting into science, it's just something harmless, nothing serious, I mean, some men have naked women in the offices and workplaces, something to say "Hey I'll have fun with her tonight" as a silly joke a lot of men do, it's nothing serious because we all know it won't happen. And I've seen a lot of women doing the same thing but, knowing that is less common seeing them speaking about that, it's weard and stuff, so, it's their silly joke too.
    And a lot of people do this because it's fun, it's a nice time with friends to speak about it in both sides, it might be something stupid but they like it. I know a lot of people in both sides who do that, even elders. In my country elders women makes sexual themed parties with sexual piƱatas and cakes, they laugh about it, it's a nice time for they, like some men do.
    Getting mad for a tshirt which didn't even involves naked but sexy women in leather in a 80's style is just dumb. It's nothing people would even care about in my country, maybe they'll laugh about it and makind fun, he would wear it and both men and women will have a nice time laughing to it and he will join it.
    People, just live and leave living.

  • Will - 10 years ago

    It is an example of bad taste, just as the cover of PAPER magazine with Kim Kardashian showing off her butt is. Other than that there is always someone with longer toes to step on, it shouldn't be "news"

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