Should schools remove the Pledge of Allegiance?


  • nelson - 10 years ago

    this is our country we should be able to recite the Pledge of Allegiancehow can America let outsiders come in and have our pledge of allegiance taken out of our schools that we grew up with and our parents grew up with and everyone that stands for America grew up with

  • teri - 10 years ago

    I don't think the schools or anywhere else should remove the Pledge of Allegiance. If you don't want to say it, then don't…but don't take away someones rights to say it!!

  • Josh - 10 years ago

    It is really sad that so many people think it is okay to try and force anyone to say a pledge. It is even worse that anyone thinks it is okay for a public school to try and force students to say the words "under god."

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