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If A Business Chooses To Be Open Thanksgiving, Should Employees Who Work Be Paid 2.5 Times Their Normal Pay Rate?


  • Tom Cruickshanks - 10 years ago

    Rita hit the nail on the head. Volunteers should work if they so choose. I bet there would be enough to open up on Thanksgiving.
    Not sure 2.5 times overtime pay, It is a little high.

  • Jim - 10 years ago

    Not 2.5 times.. Service, entertainment and of course the sports industry have been customarily open on various holidays but that is well known and has been a practice for some time. Holiday pay or overtime is probably the norm for any union contract person and maybe for others. I agree that pay is contract between employer and employee and unless subject to the normal fairness act. However, it may be appropriate that an employer can not retaliate or dismiss an employee JUST because they refuse to work on a holiday.

    I used to work retail. I can not imagine working on Thanksgiving/Christmas. Not because of any religous conviction but because it is quality time with the family. Personally I will not step foot in any retail store on either of those days (and I include New Years as well) unless it is dire emergency and someones health or well being is in jeopardy in which case its the emergency room. Heck, I am still eating dinner at 6:00 PM and probably had a couple of glasses of wine. Staying in ! I am pretty well convinced that I am also taking the high road as much as possible not do any Christmas shopping at a store that opens on Thanksgiving. I can speak with my wallet.

  • David Reed - 10 years ago

    It seems fitting that government, which doesn't produce anything, but does build its revenue through the taking of others money via taxes, would think it appropriate to dictate the pay a worker should get. At 2.5 times the hourly pay, would guard services stay open? What about highway workers, state and municipal police, other "essential" personnel? Even some restaurants that serve the elderly - this idea would be a penalty for providing needed service.

  • Pat - 10 years ago

    My son is a chef. He knew going into that career that he wouldn't be with his family on holidays or weekends. He loves the restaurant life and stays in his chosen career. Why draw the line at retail stores. Close restaurants too. Those workers rarely have a holiday with their family. Of course I don't want that to happen. We all have a choice in where we work. The government doesn't need to, nor should it, micromanage wages.

  • den - 10 years ago

    This is what happens when the low information voters keep electing the liberal democrats, keep drinking that Kool aid. Government has no right to tell a company how much to pay employees and when that company should be open or closed. Period.

  • Kerry Callahan - 10 years ago

    If a retailer decides to open on Thanksgiving, it is because that retailer's management believes that there is the potential for sales and profit. If an employee adds sufficient value to that endeavor to command 2.5 times regular wages, good for him / her. If not, each employee should determine whether he / she is willing to work on the employer's terms. Don't like stores being open on a holiday that should be reserved for family, don't patronize them. The free markets can resolve this issue without the help of the idiot, Marxist - Progressive legislators and regulators that hover over every aspect of the lives of CT's citizens.

  • Mary - 10 years ago

    If they really cared they would pass a bill banning opening.
    They are only interested in punishing the business and grandstanding.

  • Jim - 10 years ago

    How much an employee is paid, whether it's a holiday or a regular workday, is a private matter between employer and employee. The governemt shouldn't be dictating how much he has to be paid. Same goes for whether or not the employer provides paid sick days.

  • Rita - 10 years ago

    Stores should make it voluntary to work on Thanksgiving. Maybe offer a nominal incentive. It is my bet that they would have plenty of volunteer staff working

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