Do you think bureaucrats retirement age should be reduced by govt from 60 to 58?


  • Joshipura - 10 years ago

    The retirement age should reduced to 55 as it was in early sixties.Country can not afford highly paid, overskilled, aged,negative minded,go slow, menpower. The techno savy,young,low paid,skilled,enthusiastic,ready to learn minded menpower availble to the country anytime anywhere.The aged menpower performing same task with costly salary while young menpower can perform same task with much low salary .If aged workforce still wants to work for the nation with their national interest rthey should be provided option to work with same exit point category of post with entry point category`s salary.

  • Prajapathi - 10 years ago

    In fact the retirement age should be raised to 65. Officers and staff who are being fed all along by the Govt. may not be allowed to retire before they fade out completely. They be squeezed to the maximum for the national interest. Most of these guys goes out of Govt. and gets re-employed in private sector till 70 happily. Why cant they serve the government till 65.

  • geoffrey - 10 years ago

    get those ignorant bastards out of the work force and out of their ivory towers of wealth

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