Will You Order Girls Scout Cookies Online?


  • Sonja Foster - 10 years ago

    Cannot WAIT! I'm all over those Thin Mints and those Lemon cookie thingys!

  • Animaine Sparkster - 10 years ago

    I gotta do it. Me want thin mints. GET THE THIN MIINNNTS!!!!!!!! mmmm.

  • Blaqq Rob - 10 years ago

    Girl Scouts are financial terrorists and need to be stopped. I think the online option will get folks to double dip- people will buy a few boxes online, then fall victim to the adorableness and buy another box or two when the Girl Scout Mafia runs up on them in person. Even if I order online, those little hustlers are still gonna run up on me when I'm coming out of the grocery store- then I'M the asshole for saying no to their faces. #BoycottGirlScoutCookie.

  • Mylovelasting - 10 years ago

    One of the best things about Girls scout cookies is that they come to you. You don’t need to collect yourself in you Cosby pants (Karen & Rods’ own bedroom Cosbygate incident pun) and pick them up from the post because they keep missing you at home. Girl scouts hand deliver, and that’s always good for me.

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