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What do you think of the officer's punishment?

Total Votes: 9,617

  • Jay - 10 years ago

    Doing a video is called acting!! Suppose being a police officer is not what she want to do for the rest of her life. It's very stupid that she was suspended. As long as she was not wearing her uniform and on active duty what's the problem? What she does on her down time is her business and she wasn't committing no crime. Think about this is it a crime for a police officer to want to be an aspiring actress.

  • mandy - 10 years ago

    They worried about an appearance on a video but not killing of our unarmed kids. Smh what is this world coming into

  • mandy - 10 years ago

    So if u a police officer, u not allowed to have a social life? If they paying her why not? It's not like they paying these officers big salaries for putting themselves in great danger daily. Ppl have bills to pay monthly. As long as she's not breaking the law to make the money. She's not the one singing, she's not nude she doesn't act or say anything stupid about the police department so that's an overreaction to me.

  • n.d.r. - 10 years ago

    I do not think her being suspended was an over reaction at all....that music and that video does nothing but glorify everything that is wrong with the world.....the violence (guns), the disrespect for other people "what's up bitch", it glamourizes being a "thug".....and I don't care what anyone says, the world doesn't need anymore thugs or's so uncivilized, and it sends the wrong message.

  • no color - 10 years ago

    You have cops killing unarmed kids who showed no life threat but here's a cop in a video and because of the message its sends she is relieved of duty?smh no justice,no peace...I think these laws are just made up its no equalness nor righteousness

  • Samiya - 10 years ago

    Cops are doing outrageous stuff today and we are hearing they doing their job but a cop gets suspended for being in a video ,,really. The world is so backwards and unfair, she didn't deserve to be dismissed nor did they have to make a deal about it. The police force has a bad reputation now ,,,

  • Bessie Jones - 10 years ago

    Today news we as people don't get the hold story,but we are quick to judge.I had got Rob by a rock head,I had my kids in the car.The first thing people mind think about me is I'm bad,but you didn't hear the hold story.She needs her job she did nothing wrong.

  • Ashley Thompson - 10 years ago

    Racist they gone keep messin round and start a war

  • Bre - 10 years ago

    The system is so full of shit y'all wanna kick a black women off the force for a rap video but let a white cop go of murder of a young black male y'all got the system all backwards & it's a piece of shit!!

  • Big Red - 10 years ago

    Now if a doctor or nurse or even the president surround themselves with criminals and depicted negative images of themselves it would also be a big deal. You wanna do music videos then pursue acting not protecting and serving.

  • Fox 32 - 10 years ago

    The black woman appears in a rap video playing a gang affiliated person just like anybody would do in a movie and they want her to lose her job. A white cop kills innocent black boy on the street and there are witnesses to prove that he did it inteith just a slap on the with just a slap on the hand. Where they do that at? Apparently in America.

  • Teona - 10 years ago

    There are cops out here beating and killing innocent people everyday who get away with saying it was self defense or resisting arrest. A rap video really? People today need to get a clue. Let her commit a crime before you treat her like a criminal.

  • Michelle - 10 years ago

    What your article doesn't say is that she was in a video with known gang members. How can you uphold the law if you hang out with people who thrive on breaking it!

  • Immanuel West - 10 years ago

    They hired her as an actress. Unless there's a law against that, the PD has no case

  • swindl3 - 10 years ago

    But cops actually kill and dont get dismissed? "Society" today smh

  • Thomas Cusano - 10 years ago

    Yall are retarded its a music video. She committed no crime.

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