Should Katz clean house in Oilers managing, coaching and scouting?


  • Rob - 10 years ago

    Nothing will change until fans stop buying tickets but, until then, Katz is making a lot of $ off of the 2nd worst team in the NHL! Management is making a lot of money for doing the same thing year after year; coming in last to get some sort of top draft pick but, then trades the BEST players the Oilers always have and, for what in return?? Top draft picks again? How many top draft picks does one organization need to realize that is not going to win any games! Our weather doesn't matter to prospects, it's our losing streak! Change that around by starting to build a team around DEFENCE! Not 3rd line defencemen either! Everything management does spells sabotage! What are the Oilers building around? Certainly not the it around 1st round draft picks? Or, 3rd? Or, is it to focused on management making clowns of themselves, seeing how many coaches they can fire and, insulting fans (remember when Lowe said fans at home don't matter?) well...I am now a at home fan so, what I have to say doesn't matter in his eyes so, until others wake up and, stop buying tickets (INCLUDING season tickets - yes, KEEP selling them off - the joke within ticket holders is you kiss the guys shoes who buys tickets off of you for your face value....and, laugh cause, you are shocked someone wanted your shitty tickets) nothing will change. Drop the registry fees for season ticket holders and, lower your overpriced tickets and, I still won't go! Katz and, Lowe are the only problem - why did MacT ever get fired anyways??? He was the best thing going for them, Lowe was sabotaging him and, look at the team he made (give a coach nothing to work with and, what do you want? Miracles? Give these head coaches a damn break and, start sending yourselves to the E.I. office)! I am embarrassed with how our city treats our team now but, at the same time we all want management to make changes within themselves - we love our shitty team and, don't blame them, we blame the management for un-stacking a team year after, year! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??????? Why do you keep overpaying rookies and, underpaying talent????? No shit no one good wants to come here, you cant underpay talent like a successful organization can do BUT, you can start paying these young guys what they truly are worth and, don't pay them the most cause they are the best of the 'Oilers' omg open your eyes, they suck at best! 1 player cannot win games for the team, give them someone to support them and, stop trading the top players cause they cant perform with boys who just hit puberty! Lets get some 1st line players on this team and, get the cup! Easy? .....obviously not, wtf is going on? Is Lowe blackmailing Katz or, vice versa cause, Lowe baffles me as to why he is still here..............and, what is more upsetting I know tickets will skyrocket in value in the new building, PLEASE STOP BUYING TICKETS NOW! The joke is on us morons who keep buying year after year and, keep paying the increases for a team that is getting worse year after year.

  • ron - 10 years ago

    I can't even watch them anymore. They look like they've lost before the opening face-off. It's obvious that their isn't a rudder on this ship.

  • Dave Ross - 10 years ago

    It's time for New Jersey Devils to come in and start singing...M-I-C-K-E-Y,Mouse!!!!

  • Rob - 10 years ago

    As in most big corporations, after losses year after year, the heads will roll in upper management. Incompetence should not be rewarded with a lifetime position. I think the only way this will ever happen is when whole rows of seats become empty during home games, then maybe we will see change. Don't blame the players and the coaches this time, they tried doing that in the past by firing coaches and trading quality players and it still produces the same flat results. Even if ridding the upper house of ex oilers doesn't result in some wins, what can it hurt? Can the Oilers do any worse than this?

  • Sjoerd - 10 years ago

    i don't believe that Katz is willing to sell the Oilers and make a big buck as Gordon is saying. I believe he wants Edmonton & the Oilers to succeed. He doesn't know Hockey and he's leaving it to Management that has the experience. I do believe it's time to clean house however, and changes need to be made. It's frustrating for everyone, fans, players and management a like. These guys want to win games, there's no doubt about it, they just don't know how to at the moment. If the Edmonton Oilers are your team, then stick with them, something is about to change. Yes it's frustrating and has been for years, but that's how things are. You don't like it, cheer for the flames!

  • Gordon - 10 years ago

    If cleaning house starts with Katz then let's begin NOW! Leadership at the top starts with Katz and he has shown NONE!! I really believe he is driving this once GREAT and RESPECTED organization into the ground so he can sell and make a BIG BUCK!! He is motivated by money not building something for the City of Edmonton and the Oiler fans!

  • Tally Stanowich - 10 years ago

    Wake Up Management and make some changes and it starts at the top.
    We have talent so please hire a coach who can motivate the team.
    It's depressing to watch the team right now.

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