Has media reported Rohtak girls' allegations of molestation fairly and impartially?


  • Jitender - 9 years ago

    Inki maa ki chut..ye to apne bhaiyo se bhi chut marvati h... Aarti aur Pooja ...

  • jitender - 9 years ago

    Ye behen ki lodhi h dono behen.. 100 rupee mein chuti marvati h.. Aati aur pooja.. Gachti h ye dono. In dono ki churt mari jaye road pe khada karke xhowck ke uppar... Inki maa ki chuti.. Maa ka bhosda.. Ye dono to apne baap se bhi chuti marvati h.. Salli Randi.. Bloody bitch... Inki chuti ko kat ke phek do...

  • sreejith.k.s - 10 years ago

    i am begging the media please stop this cruelity against boys by exposing them as criminals in public..because i am a victim of this kind of incident in which media exposed me as a criminal in public for a fake case by 2 girls in pondicherry university.they filed complaint against me for ragging and sexual harrassement against me for a verbal clash that happened in the road for giving side for vehicle to go...in all the enquiry committes it was mentioned that it is not a ragging its a group clash in which all are guilty and suspended all of us..but the girls those having high political support went to high levels and medias and high court and have withdrawn their suspension.but last me and my friend was suspended and i lost my studies..they have lodged this complaint after 9 days from which the incident happened and went to medias and spoke the lies for popularity and personal motives in politics.. i from a poor family was not able to go to high courts like them and fight them and also have no political contact like them and have to remain silent, having enough proof in my hands......this is the situation for boys in india...i m not telling that law for girls should be withdrawn it has to be there for the safety of girls...but make sure that girls should not use this for their personal benefits...if anyone reads this comments and wants to know about the story can contact me in jithu4maaf@gmail.com or 9042913938.. or 9746729206......

  • sahil - 10 years ago

    nowadays it seems media is not interested in getting the facts right but they are just showing what they think will lend them max interest from the people.. they dont even care who the victim is ,, and what vd b the consequences for there biases stories.. they should just produce the facts after doing a neccessary research on the issue and leave the judgement on court...

  • Mamta Gupta - 10 years ago

    मीडिया का रोल हमेशा समाज में सनसनी फैला कर अपनी टी.आर.पी. बढ़ाने का रहता है. जिस वीडियो में लड़कों की कहीं कोई गलती नहीं दिख रही थी उस पर प्रश्न किये बिना लड़कियों को बहादुरी का तमगा देने में इतनी जल्दबाजी क्यों ? बाद में सोशल मीडिया के दबाब से सच्चाई सामने आने पर लड़कियों की बदमाशी पर सिर्फ संदेह व्यक्त किया गया. यदि मीडिया अपनी निष्पक्ष छवि बनाना चाहता है तो उसे उन निर्दोष लड़कों की नौकरी बचाने, व उन बदमाश लड़कियों को सजा दिलवाने की मुहीम चलानी चाहिए. मीडिया को समाज जोड़ने का प्रयत्न करने चाहिए, न कि समाज तोड़ने का. बिना सोचे समझे लड़कों को हमेशा दोषी बताने वाले लोग सावधान हो जाएँ क्योंकि यदि इस दुष्टता को नहीं रोका गया तो इसकी हिमायत करने वालों के घर भी किसी दिन इसी आग में ज़रूर जलेंगे.

  • Victor Sinha - 10 years ago

    Its time media trials should stop...courts have been made in the country for doing so. Media without any proper evidence and based on incomplete facts brodcast news that not only spoil the life of innocents but also fill the environment with a negativity. Brodcasting such news thousands of time Just for TRP's , the media is really now seeming a bane instead of boon.hope the media people think upon dis deeply.

  • Mukul Bhatnagar - 10 years ago

    Media's coverage in this event is very very shameful, even stupid. Nowadays, the media focuses on creating a sensation, rather than investigating the issue. Had it not been for a Men's Rights Activist, Deepika Bhardwaj who actually went to interview witnesses in the bus, we would have not known the fact.

    Even Government's and the Army's (Army disqualified those innocent men) reaction is shameful- do they take their decisions based on media reports? Is media now going to decide everything in this country?

  • innocent fighter - 10 years ago

    Media trial must stop accused identity must protect under 498A 376 354 same as like as complainant . Gender neutral laws and harsh punishment for filing fake and false cases on innocents is the only solution to protect society .!

  • Satyajit Singh - 10 years ago

    2 things.

    1. Media now a days always in hurry to be first to air a news. While doing this, they least bother to think and investigate what TRUTH is.

    2. Being fair in reporting an incident is always a question mark. Media is actually is a Mirror of the society/world. What you show is believed to be true. If something broadcasted wrongly, it not only consumes time to correct but also makes the scene complex.

    In this case, those 2 girls have behaved not only wrong but have also exploited humanity and manners, one by beating boys and second by not offering seat to an old aged lady. And by doing this, they are challenging respect or honour of Girls/Women in society.

    Media failed to show the truth. Hats off to those villagers who came to rescue the boy who have almost lost theirs career now WHO MIGHT HAVE BEEN SERVING NATION AS SOLDIER.

    For the sake of nation and a better society to live in, Media should not be biased and must stop media trials.

  • Amit - 10 years ago

    Please stop gender biased reporting. Whenever there is any such incident takes place, it is first impresion of everybdy and is taken granted that always male is guilty. Plz change this scenerio by proper investigation before any such report. And media is the pillar of democracy. Its ur responsibility to carry forward this change for males in India.

  • Praveen OP - 10 years ago

    A strong media is critical for a strong India but there are bad apples in the media. Yes sometimes Indian reporters have gone over board to get some TRPs . These channels will soon wither away because people want the truth and nothing else. If a channel is fair in their reporting they will last long and BBC is a sterling example.

  • AJay Verma - 10 years ago

    Media has become #BhaandMedia they do not hear or search or investigate the other side story of any case, just show one sided part of any story that is hitting the persons personal life. If such kind of things will happen in future so, each man and woman will kill each others to save themselves from any humiliations from the media and their media bites that ruins the life of innocent persons.

    Stop doing fake dramas and fake media works to get TRP only for creating a man less society or woman less society in India or around the world.

    India is the only country where Men are treated like born criminals and they are treated like Rapists because they have one Penis that can errect at anytime when a woman do sexual activities and excitatory poses in wearing or showing internal sexiual organs in transperant clothes or gestures.

    All blames automatically comes on the shoulders of men, "Hey why are you looking at me, you haven't seen any girl nude before"??? You should see your family members in your family like this, don't you have MOTHER SISTER in your house those wearing transparent clothes??

    Respect women that has given you birth???/

    Why to respect those women those are becoming regular prostitutes in films, movies, short films, tv serials, brands, advertisements and cinemas???

    Why men is called to be respect women, why women do not teach themselves or any society or NGO call themselves to respect men too????

    Men are also deserving for respect from women side, they don't need to be hit with belts publically in buses, schools, roads, offices, homes, roads, police stations, borders, ministry or any places around the world.?????

    Respect Men because Men are Human too.

  • Lalchand - 10 years ago

    Media Reported for TRP beside of Truth... this is natural behaviour of Indian media
    i am not Against woman even not Against truth

  • Imnitaj - 10 years ago


    Media has crossed it's limits to create hype about rapes/molestations news.

    Man dying, farmer suicides one every 8 minute does not make a news. False rape cases, proven record of untrue dowry cases, fake domestic violence cases don't bother media at all and they don't get space on air and on paper.

    It is result of Media hype that India is now seen as just a rape country. India is being demeaned by those western countries which probably funds these media houses. These so called western countries have more rape crimes but not get highlighted as for them there are other more important issues than rape.

    India has screwed it's image as well as its people. thanks to all the feminists getting funds at the cost of Justice to Indian Family System.

    If there is any sense of responsibility and fairness left this should immediately stop in the name of 'masala news'.

    Society at large is equally responsible who enjoys all this crap masala even when they have no stake in it.

  • manish gundev - 10 years ago

    whatever be in the news it is not mistake of girls it is responsibility of media to provide unpartial news

  • tksahu - 10 years ago

    undue favor/sympathies towards women by media has prompt them to act these non-sense thing. Media by default declaring MEN as culprit without proper investigation and creating sensation 24 x 7. No one has dire to tell against MEDIA. MEDIA SHOULD BE CURBED LITTLE BIT OTHERWISE THEY WILL BECOME SUPREME COURT OF INDIA IN NEAR FUTURE.
    LAWS IS IN INDIA 1952 MODEL, JO ANGREG CHOD KE CHALE GAYE HAIN, ONLY Tharik pe tharik . IT SHOULD BE REVAMPED AND MODERNED. such as live video of court proceeding with records, quick disposal of cases and using of NARCO, LIE DETECTOR TEST, THESE THING WILL BRING DOWN FALSE CASES.

  • rohan - 10 years ago

    Media has destroyed innocents careers. They were defamed in india and overseas. Media should be fined and apologise to Indian citizens!

  • proud to be a MAN - 10 years ago

    All the media should apologise to the innocent boys for calling them molesters without any 'real proof'.

  • justice seeker - 10 years ago

    Hello anti-male nonsense media,why are you affraid to show the poll result??

  • Victor - 10 years ago

    These girls seems to be a habitual offenders and they needs to be punished accordingly in interest of justice.

  • bapi - 10 years ago

    I have a suggestion for u media guys(regarding rape & molestation news)....... whenever a news broke out... in no time u accused the boys (generally) and made him (forcibly) culprit in front of millions of people.... but whenever he acquitted.... where is ur RESPONSIBILITY gone u media people to show him he acquitted ???????? u have to show in TV that the man was previously accused .... now free from court with his dignity.... at the same time u have to show that the girl was the main culprit for all her misconduct for her self benefits only. And important point is u people shouldn't be biased for only girls.... in this society boys are also living...... U ALL MEDIA PEOPLE are hungry for TRPs only.... ur not at all responsible......

    Thank You

  • amar - 10 years ago

    I wish severe punishment to these girls if found false.media should not be judgemental before the court of law. and law should be equal for both gender.

  • pradyut - 10 years ago

    Saalo ko faasi do........

  • sonu - 10 years ago

    I saw the incident on news channels here The vedio it self shows the innocence of the guys. Now a days media is showing its inclination to wards the female side.but without knowing the truth who can you point out the guys as guilty.Here all laws and media are all gender baised so our country is not the right place for man to live in.
    The girls are bitting the incocent man and the media declaring the girl brave charted who disgusting.

  • Sachin - 10 years ago

    Media is hyping all women centric issues now a days. Even though men are innocent they are becoming victims of misandry created by unscrupulous feminists. More number of false cases will be filled and more men will be trapped. Common HT show the results. 98% of dowry cases and 75% of rape cases are proved to be false and yet no punishment for shameless unscrupulous girls.

  • Pradeep Garg - 10 years ago

    Not fair you publicise innocents names over media with sprinkle masala in it without getting the truth out, why not same treated for women too, you are setting a good example of double standards.

  • abhishek kaushik - 10 years ago

    common #HT show us the poll results ;-)

  • abhishek kaushik - 10 years ago

    common #HT show us the poll results ;-)

  • Alexander - 10 years ago

    News from media sells like hot cakes when rape cases, dowry cases, domestic violence cases are reported, notwithstanding whether or not any of these case may be fabricated or falsely implicated. Media is the main reason why feminism-driven cases are brought to light, and men's harassment becomes a back-burner. Men in India have become a scapegoat in whatever they do. If he loves and girl and lives and relationship but later refuses to marry, he can be given rape allegations. If he makes the biggest mistake of marrying, then he can be implicated of Domestic Violence and false 498a allegations, due to which the husband and his old parents can be arrested on a non-bailable warrant. If the divorce happens after 10 years of frightful litigation, then again the custody of the child invariably goes to the mother, and she decides whether she wants the child to see his/her father. In every way, the Indian man is a made a scapegoat, even after he is expected the full financial welfare and comforts of the family. After all that, the media fights only for the woman, and the man is just reduced to a silent sufferer with no rights. Hail media, make the Indian woman proud, the Indian man will eventually find a way to leave the country, and the Indian civiliation will slowly come to an end.

  • Santosh - 10 years ago

    Its quite sad. Media shd have moral values. Media cant just blame politicians dey r equally responsible. Lives of all those are ruined bcoz of media. Even govt for votes declared rewards wch is very sad. Will same govt put d law misuser girls behind bars?

  • Raj Koona - 10 years ago

    Media are the worst form of feminist in the world! You alone are the cause for ruin of the nation with your bias and un intelligent reporting.

    We all know you work hand n glove with NCW to trample of men's rights and automatically brand mens as criminals.

    Shame on the media for being the most unscrupulous agency of them all. You guys are far worse than any corrupt politician.

  • sid - 10 years ago

    Stupid poll.Media is always biased and partial.Media is run by feminazis and misandrists. Men are treated like criminals while the most ceiling women are revered by this same media.Both these girls should be punished severely.

  • Bhavesh - 10 years ago

    Media has to show responsibility of showing the truth before portraying men as faulty always. In this case also, media didnt show mature journalism & portrayed 3 male as criminal. The truth of these "reel" brave girl have come in public domain through social media.
    The way fake cases by women r coming to light, time has come that media should cone up & stand for punishment towards the misusers of laws by women.

  • vishal pathak - 10 years ago

    Great powere comes with a Great responsibility...
    so here responsibility is MISSING...
    @ All Media...
    please take responsibility and dont misguide the whole generation.. show both part of the stories..
    hope some day it will come... :-(

  • Saurabh - 10 years ago

    Modern day feminism in India is thriving off Media only. These type of medial trial done on mere allegation and pronouncing men guilty without any investigation or concrete evidence. Badayun case was one and now this. Men are being targeted by misusing laws and media helping such cause. It is not women but men who are not safe on roads. One false complaint and your life becomes hell.
    To bring some sense into this case now, the girls should be arrested and put behind bars and media should follow up till that is done!!!

  • j v - 10 years ago

    M fed up of this type of hypocrisy. Indian media is only shows one sided news. Stop feminism its enough

  • pkmpillai144 - 10 years ago

    It all happens because of Simple Reason
    --Red Carpet Encouragement (Instead of detection& Punishment at Starting Stage) by Case Hungry Police& Judges and News Hungry Media for furthering their Vested Interests and Non-Punishment by Rulers/Elected Representatives.
    It is high time that For Ensuring Level Justice, People/Rulers sack-arrest-prosecute all Police/Judiciary?Media for not detecting& punishing False Complainants. If Rulers refuse, teach such rulers as Ruling Pro-Women Congress was voted/thrown away.

  • jashan - 10 years ago

    ankit soni you are absolutely right.. everyone should consider what he have written.

  • Dinesh Saharan - 10 years ago

    All three girls should be jailed. Law should take its due course here too.

  • jashan - 10 years ago

    its so upsetting by watching such girls using the laws in wrong and in a mean way.. due to such type of cheap and narrow thinking girls the example is being created that all girls are not innocent and original instead they are fake who for there own publicity and adventure do such thing under these government made stupid one sided laws... because of such girls sometime innocent girls in real trouble are not helped by crowed thinking that they also faking like such type of cheap fake girls... in video its clear that men were defending themselve and i wish if i could be in that bus at that time i must have took the side of those innocent men.. those both girls were no one to punish themselve , the report they logged in police after attacking men they might have done that before and let the police do their job but as per written affidavits by passengers strictly proved that girls were wrong and also video shows.. now police should take strict action against those girls and teach them lesson so no one could use law in wrong ways.. if police will be fail to do so then we must all spit on such system and fake ass police..

  • ankit soni - 10 years ago

    Media ne bina soche samze bata diya. . . Sarkar ne inam b dediya aakhir mazak hai qa. . . Sharm aani chiye. Hum logo ko jab ek ladki k saath galat hota hai to kai mahila sangthan saamne aajate hai agar ye ladkiya galat hui to qa vo sangthan mafi mangange

  • Mayank - 10 years ago

    All girls should be punished and sent behind bars. to Setup a Standard and fear in the mind of fake girls

  • ankur - 10 years ago

    All three girls should be jailed. Law should take its due course here too.

  • Kumar - 10 years ago

    The media is not fair at all.
    When the earlier version came out, all men and women voiced their opinion against the incident

    Now its only a small section. I question this.

  • Kumar - 10 years ago

    The Indian army has rejected the candidature of these boys.
    Guilty or not - they got punished.

    Mr. Arnab Goswami too got the TRP ratings for bashing Mrs. Kiran Bedi for being objective.
    How has this been impartial in any way.

  • selva - 10 years ago

    This sistes is just a sample, there are lot of women who files false allegations cases on innocent men and their families with stupid baseles biased laws 498A,DV,CRPC 125, HMA 24 etc, False Rape cases and still more to follow like IRBM. The Stupid courts/police/lawyers also accept their cases just prima facie without any proofs or investigation. Even bloody god cannot save this stupid country men

  • Balaji - 10 years ago

    F.I.R Should be lodged on those girls and take appropriate action on them.

  • Prashant - 10 years ago

    How pathetic...? Media showing their stupidity again. That video showed only half part of it. And govt. Declared prize to that foolish girls without any investigation. Are boys always wrong..? This is really shameful....

  • alpesh - 10 years ago

    Media is really biased now-a-days. They will show those news which brings TRP to them. I guess most of them must be lacking a proper R&D team.

  • Raghav - 10 years ago

    Shame On YOu

    Well its really very embarrassing that how media is making money by gaining TRP.
    they really don't focus what really happened,they focus on what can be selled .
    in this whole incident as you can watch in videos, the three boys are just protecting themselves they are not really fighting with girls. if they want to fight they should have slapped the girls doesn't matter how hard they have trained from their father. But No they chose to protect themselves..i am not agiainst those two girls but i am talking about a fare decision towards those boys..
    And about our MEDIA i just want to say that focus on news not on money..thousand and lakhs of people are fighting for their rights in our country, take a small example of northeast and J & K. they people are living in our country but they didn't even no what is democracy.
    News channels thinks that by just having a talk show and a Deabate on prime time can really solve issues.but its not that. think about it once again.

  • Rishi Khurana - 10 years ago

    Shouldn't **

  • Rishi Khurana - 10 years ago

    Just look at the video, at first go i encountered something fishy in the video. There is no view of molestation at all in the video but what we can see is that girls thrashing the guy badly and media expect that the guy should not protect himself from the punches and legs?? You will not do that??

    In the last seconds of video, you can hear that the smaller sister comes back and ask " Phone de Mera". It proves itself that this was her phone and was given to anyone else to record, not that another lady has made the video.

    Girls should be jailed i believe and should be given bail at any cost.

  • Sanjeewan - 10 years ago

    You guys should leave that decision for the police to make. Media's works isn't giving a verdict. Your work is to inform about the news but now-a-days media reports are like giving a verdict and thus people think they know the truth even without knowing the actual facts.
    So, pressurize the police to to make a quick, effective and a fair judgement of the report and not give a YOUR JUDGEMENT to the news

  • Abhijit Mishra - 10 years ago

    this is what happens in India. Where media and police should be present in a real issue, they were not present there. Just they need a lit to fire it on unethical and false grounds. Where the girls were not even given respect they were not doing anything for that. People were killing there own new born girl child, media has not given any attention to that ever. And the people also talk what they are seeing in a single video uploaded by someone without even trying to know what has actually happened. If you reallly care for girls be brave and sensible to stop all these crimes which are occuring around our country in front of your eyes . So only seeing a video and commenting on that does not do anything good for this society. Please Wake Up..

  • Rajiv - 10 years ago

    Just for the sake of TRP, Media is destroying the social fabric of Indian society. Very soon guys will not even talk to girls thinking of the consequences.

  • sam - 10 years ago

    in video boyz are only protecting theirselves...they are not hitting back.....how we can say dat boyz misbehved dat girlz....? Widout proof.....the people who support d girlz must be awarded wid foolish people of the year.....they made girlz the superheroines..without any inspection of whole case..... infact that girls want only pulicity by creating such videos ......foolish media......foolish girlz....dey ruined the life of innnocent boyz

  • Gauravv Rana - 10 years ago

    Its really a shame.. on media and on the the girls, who are ruining boys' life and carrier just for fun... just be in media.. Media must be warned and there must be strict actions against Media....

  • amit - 10 years ago

    shame on u media...because of ur false reporting.

    future of these boys ruiened

  • Vijay - 10 years ago

    Media not only engaged in misreporting of this incident, but also set the vote results to private as compared to other opinion polls done by this news paper. One can only infer that votes are so against media in this case that media decided to hide the poll result. What a shame! Have courage to face the poll result.

  • Vivek - 10 years ago

    It appears to me that the girls are wrong.

    There is video of boys beaten by girls. Is there any video of boys teasing.

    Are always boys wrong.

  • Rahul Kauldhar - 10 years ago

    Not even a single girl commented on this shameful act by two..rohtak girl...and of-course the women oriented MEDIA.

    Safe those three mens... i request you all..
    I want to ask everyone..is every time men's fault ??????

    If all men supports why cant women support .......????

  • Alice - 10 years ago

    the media is not answerable or liable for any false reporting, jeopardising the lives of innocent people. The people responsible for such blatant misreporting should also be taken to task and asked to step down.

  • abhay - 10 years ago

    Same on you INDIAN MEDIA!

  • Manish - 10 years ago

    Irresponsible, prejudiced and fake-sensationalism-hungry media has ruined the life of those 3 boys. All the eye witnesses,including women passengers hailing from the girls' native village, are giving statements in favour of the boys, none is in favour of girls, indicates that the girls are at fault. Also, this kind of one sided reporting by media, will create doubts about the REAL cases of molestaion. This kind of collective irresponsibility exhibited by media will only support injustice.

  • Abhinav - 10 years ago

    I pity for the life of those 3 boys ruined by fu*ked media

  • suresh - 10 years ago

    come on ! How long it can go on like this ? How many times, poor innocent males are being victimized on wrong allegations ? Time and again, we are provong that, females are targetting males for finishing their personal vendetta... or to get immediae fame and name ! Who is going to bell the cat ? and when ?

  • Sudharshan - 10 years ago

    There will be no smoke without fire. It is possible that the boys are innocent and innocent should not be punished on the grounds of suspect. Proper investigation must be done on this and it should not be biased in favor of the girls. When so many people are supporting the boys they might not be guilty. No action should be taken on them before proper investigation and justice must be served.


  • Sandesh Jain - 10 years ago

    In both the video both the guys arr seen just saving themselves not even trying to hit back. I am afraid that the boys might not get the justice they deserve. There life hes been ruined by the media for trp.

  • chetan - 10 years ago

    3 boys, bus conductor, driver total 5 lives of innocent men is ruined by media. Shame on such reporting. Wake up media and do good for this nation.
    As usual our ministers will bring a new law and rowdy will be awarded.

  • vishal - 10 years ago

    media mut admit they have ruined the life of 3 boy. Now, its media responsibility to take some corrective actions.
    pls save the life of those 3 boys and their family.

  • Raji - 10 years ago

    its sad the media - thrashed the life of 3 youth.
    after many days Indians feel these girls are trying to get attention, or they are mentally sick, and have the habit of picking up quarrel with every one and have the habit of thrashing up boys.

  • vishal - 10 years ago

    Media is main culprit behind all this. Life of all three innocent young boys have finished. They were in their college days and now they have seen the dirty life of jail.
    May god give them strenghth and power to come out of situation.
    Girls are using sexual harrasment law as weapon now a days. Govt should thing regarding this.
    Govt and media should make some effort to bring lost pride of all the 3 boys.

  • JB - 10 years ago

    This is another classic example of how Feminist money runs media houses. How a different case is painted differently. It also brings the bias that Feminists do within women too. 3 young boys who tried to help an old woman to get a seat in the bus are beaten black and blue by empowered women and then the media has the audacity to run video multiple times and even talk about awards for 'bravehearts'. The same media to cover up this lie goes a step ahead and makes the abusive, bullying kind of girls to say that she has been molested 2000 times. 2000 times for a 20 years old girl mean, 100 times every year means almost once every 3 days. And wonder how proud she is of this lie that she is even keeping a count.

    It is shameful how Journalism has bowed down to Feminist Money Power and even more shameful how Feminists supported abusive gunda girls and dint even bother to stand by the old woman whose seat these bully girls were occupying.

  • Anil verma - 10 years ago

    Is there any video which is showing the boys molesting and harrasing the girls in both the cases. Then how the media come to the conclusion of sexual harrasement. Hindustan (hindi) even went on to write editorial without self investigating the matter. It is completely irresponsible deed of reputed paper like hindustan. C. M khattar should be awarded foolest person of the year award. Police is under pressure of media to act swift and they have additional pressure to prove c.m khattar right. In both the video both the guys arr seen just saving themselves not even trying to hit back. I am afraid that the boys might not get the justice they deserve. There life hes been ruined by the media for trp.

  • Biny - 10 years ago

    I was watching one of the top most English channel on Sunday . They were interviewing both Rohtak Sisters and hailed them without even knowing the other facet of the incident. I know things happening to the women in society are unacceptable but on both the matter media should take the account of the both side for fair discussion.

  • kalpak - 10 years ago

    Media is playing role of courts these days and people are so gullible that they believe everything media tells them. They just don't think that there is always another side of story. Media tries to sell what is selling. These days atrocities towards women is in vogue. So what ever happens with woman is attrocity. Why media is not highlighting misuses of law by women? If women are subject to cruelty there is no reason to believe that men too are subject to cruelty. Women too harassing men by emotions, jelousy and other subtle forms.

    Men and women are basic unit of society , dividing them will increase problem. Why media is not talking about poor social practices of society which is root cause of many problems?

    Hope people wake up and reject media right away.

  • Sandip Sen - 10 years ago

    Why media does biased reporting based on allegations of one side.. It should look stories of both sides.. Biased reporting does immense harm to process of justice

  • Anupam Dubey - 10 years ago

    It is because of biased media coverage that #Men in India is suffering! Media only highlight 'upmarket' issues and feminism is now a days upmarket; but it fails miserably when it comes to highlighting the correct aspect of the story whenever it gets revealed.... Result, news laws enforced to make #Men suffer further....

  • Lekraj - 10 years ago

    Most of the Media reguarly highlights nonsense news like this with out proper details and investigation. An FIR should be launched against all news channel for tarnishing the images of the boys

  • ajay verma - 10 years ago

    media and government both are hugely responsible this event. without investigating the case properly everyone seems to have final conclusion on those boys. government must have investigation first then boys should be punished.

  • aj kumar - 10 years ago

    Media only writes what is favourable to women. For it all men whether a labourer or an IITian, are born culprits.

  • aj kumar - 10 years ago

    Media only writes what is favourable to women. For it all men whether a labourer or an IITian, are born culprits.

  • aj kumar - 10 years ago

    Media only writes what is favourable to women. For it all men whether a labourer or an IITian, are born culprits.

  • aj kumar - 10 years ago

    Media only writes what is favourable to women. For it all men whether a labourer or an Titian

  • raj - 10 years ago

    Media, grow up and dont show some gender bais news if you want to really do something good for Indian society ...
    Did any video show guys molestaning these girls ? but it definately showed girls hiting guys ..... and she openly saying in media that i have beaten many guys .... and media is entertaining such statements .... Just think other way round of this video ... guy hiting girl and guy coming out in media and claiming he has beaten many girls ... then what would have been media's reaction ...?

    beating/abusing anyone is crime .. irrespective of man/women .... pl. dont show such news where people are encourged to misuse the laws. Grow up media ... u play big role in building nation and its society ... dont dived betweeen man vs woman / guys vs girls ...

  • Aashish - 10 years ago

    These boy's r innocent, these two fraud girls using law in their favour bcz of media. Without investigation how can we say that boy's r guilty. These girls should b punish for their act, with dis there is a lesson for other girls who misuse law for their profit

  • yp - 10 years ago

    The boys have been wronged. this is not justice. Shame on the media and also the CM for announcing cash awards before getting to know the facts. There should be a FIR against the girls and they should be punished if the eyewitness account holds up. The boys should be commended for helping an unwell lady. Is that not what our Dharma teaches us.

  • SK Kapoor - 10 years ago

    These both girls have made a mockery of the Indian laws protecting fairer sex. I wonder as why both the girls have not been charged for fraud and lies.

  • Foxtrot - 10 years ago

    gandu media

  • Ganesh - 10 years ago

    Has any channel called those boys involved in the incident and their view? Over reach and sensationalisation of new channels destroy the truth.

  • Amzad Ali - 10 years ago

    I think a FIR should Also lodge on two girls.....then enquiry start and punishment should decide by court on the basis of eyewitness and facts.......

  • Varun - 10 years ago

    Media is not having any news So, Running MODI news since 10 months but that is old and not running business any more :(

    So, Let's make news as they can't posses hard work to show fair news…. Dirty business @ other's life like these accuses even media not sure whether these girls are fair or not…. INDIANS are emotional fool who just flows with media….and gets emotional…and Govt comes into pressure..and act quickly without investigation…. Should not we confirm from Bus conductor what happened in his bus… As his comments should be shown but No one shows where he is and what he is saying...

    It's Business BUDDY !!

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