Who would you vote to evict this week?


  • Kara - 16 years ago

    There'd be benefits to keeping either one. Libra, though she's the most hated among the HGs, could be an asset for just that reason. She's volatile and confrontational which would take a lot of attention off my back. She'd also be a good partner for top two, as the votes would more likely go in my favor.

    Keesha seems pretty loyal and it would be good to have her on my side. Currently however, she seems pretty close to Renny and Memphis, which wouldn't be good if I were her target for eviction. She was able to orchestrate a turn of votes with Dan, Libra and Renny, which speaks volumes considering that the house was bent on sticking to the desires of the HOH. Also, she seems to be one of the more liked within the house. That might muddy my chances of winning 500,000 as opposed to 50.

    In light of the actual show, I really wouldn't want either of them to go. But, if I were in the game, I'd probably evict Keesha.

  • Cat - 16 years ago

    First off, Keesha is the true ring leader for getting jessie out and is playing the whole house. On top of that, Keesha to me would be the bigger threat. Not just on a mental level but on a physical level as well. Libra comes in second a lot true....but has never but once come in 1st

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