Should Female Officers Be Allowed To Post Pictures In Uniforms?

1 Comment

  • James R. - 10 years ago

    No, female Officers are Government employee's who serves the public, as a Law Enforcement you are a Sworn Officer of State of New York, which means technically you are and officer 24 hours a day, in a state of crisis you life have become the Police Department, unless you resign, you simply cannot participate in things the private sector do. I once had a female partner while serving on the Police Department, we got a call to break up a fight at a bar, when I placed the suspect under arrest, the suspect look at the female officer and because he was angry about the arrest, he told everyone within ear shot at the bar,and in the police station, about having sex with this officer in graphic detail for the past two weeks. As and officer there are professional standards you will have to adhere to.

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