Do you support the ban on Uber cab service in Delhi?


  • Kuldeep - 10 years ago


  • Sujeet - 10 years ago

    The ban should be a temporary measure till the time Uber installs GPS and tracking devices on the cabs. The problem here is that the fleet is not being tracked in the Uber system. Uber is trying to act as middlemen for the cabbies who can do whatever they want with the passenger. Radio taxis are regarded as safe because of Meru and other professional service providers who track the movement of their fleet at every point. But Uber should not have promoted themselves as a safe service since they don't assume responsibility once the cab is booked and the driver is assigned to the passenger. This ban will force them to install safety features and take a little more responsibility. People should also realize that Uber is just like any other local cab you hire on the road and once you hire it, you are on your own. But everything with a brand name is assumed to be of better quality, and people cannot be blamed for attaching a sense of security to them.

  • Vithal - 10 years ago

    You can not ban UBER , because of this incident. If tomorrow if it happens with other cab service will you going to ban them also? Banning the company is not solution. Bring some strict law. Set the rules and regulations for every cab service provider. Ensure everyone follow the rules. Go to the root cause of the problem. Find solution for it so that in future such incident should not occur.

  • abhisek - 10 years ago

    It is no wrong to say that it is the fault of uber company. Indirectly it is completely responsible for the incident. The accused is a repeated offender. Nidhi shah also complained once to the company through mail on 26th november. The incident would not had happened, If proper measure would have taken on the rapist. And if now govt dont ban this company, there may be more incident in future involving other companys too. Action should be taken definitely so that other radio taxi firms become more alert and undertake proper scrutiny while appointing drivers.

  • rangan - 10 years ago

    first you have no system and uber is ahving a system for customers to engage and pay easily police ought to have listed all the drivers name whose credentials have been checked and given certifiate in thier police website so that anybody when booking a taxi can verify just by putting some code .always the police dept should give a code only numerical no and when anybody wants to check he can take out a print .every driver should have acertificate of genuinity and good conduct certificte and if his name is not there on the list one should not engage and company like uber also should not engage the services of such drivers .no system is the system in india on its part uber has done its part by offering services and whileverifying drivers record thee is no system fool proof and easy and go on blaming uber natuaraly uber have to depend on the certifiate give by driver have police instructed uber to check with police before engaging
    then if acompany like uber want to check then he has to grease the palm of police to verify cumbersome and time confusing

  • Vivek - 10 years ago

    For anyone who thinks that they will do any good to women safety by banning uber services are idiots. I'm a regular uber user so I think I can throw some light. There are hundreds of uber drivers who earn their bread and butter and that's no reason for them to pay for one man's crime. I've spoken to them and they have said user is very convenient for them with handsome and timely salary with addition benefits. They don't have to wait for some local taxi owner to pay when he wants. With everything online things are simple and transparent.
    If someone wants to blame the root cause for this heinous crime blame the police. Why does a person with such a record is allowed to roam the streets? Isn't the while point of punishment is to set an example so that others will fear and think before performing such act?
    Uber should pay for its negligence and not conducting background checks on its employees but not every uber cab driver should be branded rapists and whole service shouldn't be banned. It must be allowed to resume it's services after it has submitted a thorough background check report on all of its employees to the government. I may ask people to think rationally and not just flow in emotions. You do have more than just a monkey brain.

  • ATUL SHUKLA - 10 years ago


  • Garry - 10 years ago

    It's right step multinational com pienes they just want to make money by hook or crook they don't care about the public safety I think that's our govt't negligence why they let those compinese bypass all the laws nothing Adobe the law..

  • SACHIN - 10 years ago

    I think it is right step by the govt. to ban the cab service provider. As some of you who pointed out that the company shouldn't be punished for driver's crime. but the point to be taken into account here is that it was not a punishment, it is rather a preventive measure. You pay your money to the company for service. you didn't sign up for a rape. Hiring drivers for its cabs to help get people to their homes is a social responsibility and not just business.

  • amit - 10 years ago

    The handling of this case shows the way: 1) government intends to solve rape crisis. 2) government intends to attract businesses to India. .......What have they been smoking?

  • Sudhie - 10 years ago

    How was he aquited in his earlier rape attempt crime? Our justice system failed at identifying a criminal and released him into public. How did he get a fake certificate from police?? And after these mistakes done by the justice system and police department, they are banning a cab service provider?? Lol. Shame on the government. It should stop railway, bus and auto services as well then. Stop all public transport systems. Idiots. Rather than blocking a service , govt should be able to provide a secure city/nation. Filter out and correct the mistakes that caused his release earlier and correct the processes which gave him the fake certificate.

  • baltazar pereira - 10 years ago

    Instead of thinking of stopping n preventing business, we need to chop off his penis...and set him free

  • Syed Aftab Raza Rizvi - 10 years ago

    The government should tighten the norms for institutions which are directly or indirectly connected to public specially womens and girls .
    If you ban any institution who have invested in india
    Think about it carefully it can impact indian economy
    What is the crime of owner of the company whome you are giving punishment.
    If government take these type of steps how will FDI come in indis
    Jai hind
    Jai maharastra

  • Mayuresh Rashinkar - 10 years ago

    So... Is the Gov. also going to ban local bus, train and auto services. These transport systems have also been used for such criminal acts.
    Grow up system... The investigation has to start on how did the dri er get a fake reference letter.. But this will lead to burnt fingers ..
    The police dept itself might feel the pinch and shame.. Does the gov have it in it to do this...
    Also, we need to have extreme and fierce punishments for such criminals... Fear of consequence is the only way to lower the hideous crime.. Capital punishment does not make sense...
    Jaago bharat... Jaago

  • Rakesh - 10 years ago

    In my opinion uber cab service should not be banned instead driver of the cab should be penalised heavily or strict action should be taken against him like cutting his private parts. I cannot understand raping a girl is a severe crime whose judgment has to be fast and has to be in such a way that even before eve teasing a girl a guy should understand. Introducing strict punishment in our system is easy as many of the country is already following it. Our government really has to do introduce some strict rules for such a big crime.

  • Neeraj - 10 years ago

    This is what we call a "pretext", as evidenced by the fact the rape charge has morphed into a bunch of regulatory violation claims and unfair business practice allegations. It's happened in every jurisdiction Uber has entered around the world. Pressure tactics of incumbents from regulated industries 101. Put another way, taxi companies are cozy with pols.

  • DHANARAJU - 10 years ago

    I would say it is an improper decision to ban the cab service provider. It looks as if the government wanted to show that it has taken an immediate action. If you analyse properly any body can say that the girl herself has committed the first mistake by behaving recklessly & irresponsibly and invited the trouble by herself. Secondly we can say that the Delhi Police department has done a mistake by giving a good conduct certificate to the accused. They say that Uber has misled the customers. I don't understand why there is no system of checking how these licensees are operating? It is the responsibility of licensing authority that licensee is operation as per the guidelines. But that was not the reason for this crime to occur. This will bring a bad name to India internationally. Foreign companies will hesitate to come forward to invest in India. I hope the government will rethink its decision.

  • madhu sudan sharma - 10 years ago

    banning will leads to unemployement and mistake of one driver does not means all are corrupt . the solution is make changes in rules like police verification of the driver before joining and propper record. once he dropped the passenger a feed back call specially for ladies is mandatory by the car provider. once car stopped must call comex from their office and rradon must be asked.

  • PA - 10 years ago

    Banning Uber is a stupid decision. I still think it is much safer than most of the other modes of transport because of GPS tracking. The driver got caught because he was working for Uber. Had he been driving some random cab, tracing him would not been this easy. Instead of imposing such bans the govt should come up with procedures which result in proper screening of the drivers such that these incidents do not happen. What is more preferable? Booking a cab in a short notice with just an app within minutes or standing in a standed road all alone late at night waiting for a cab?

  • Sandeep - 10 years ago

    Definitely the step being taken by the government to ban the uber cab service makes sense as it would make other such service providers take a check of their cab drivers background prior appointing/hiring them and that the government should setup some regulatory bodies where it would be mandatory for such service providers to register themselves with this body along with entire details related to such services. This would help not only help in finding the accused if any such incidents that would occur but also would help in taking strict actions against the company officials for causing such incidents.

  • Shrikant - 10 years ago

    How will banning only Uber help ? Does the govt. think our sisters, mothers, daughters are safe in cab provided by other companies ? I guess by banning Uber we solving completely wrong problem. These men are morons. They do not fear law. Strengthen law enforcement, strengthen ability to provide justice, reduce the time taken for each case, reduce the number of pending court cases.

  • BISWADEEP CHATTARAJ - 10 years ago

    I think ban is not necessary in this regard. if possible install monitoring system from where the identity of driver must be known in details.

  • kits - 10 years ago

    banning has a reason : a warning to all cab services to have control over its staff. But what happens now? The management starts a new service with a new name?

  • Batman - 10 years ago

    The company should have verified the employee's certificates in a responsible manner before hiring him. The company, in its website, claims the service as "safe". Though they are cooperating with the police authorities, an action taken against the company will send a strong message.

  • PC - 10 years ago

    Many people s livelihood should not be compromised due to fault of few. Govt should work maturely and not just to gain cheap popularity

  • kmist - 10 years ago

    Banning uber is like banning all the bus drivers of delhi. And every auto driver in mumbsi as at some point one of them have been involved in rapes. This is just govt targeting pvt sector for not doing their work. Sd they are so busy collecting bribes

  • Nabeel - 10 years ago

    Banning Über is not the solution. It is indeed an unfortunate incident, but it does not by any means justify a ban on Uber. The driver could have been employed by anyone as a driver or in some other capacity. How can you ban the employer? When a soldier rapes a hapless woman, do we ban the army???

    I am not sure what else Uber could have done other than rely on the police verification. It just looks like a classic case of politicians taking a decision with a short term view and to show the people that they have acted swiftly! This is the easiest decision we can take. Mature democracies don't go around town banning services, literature, movies etc.

  • Anju Upadhyay - 10 years ago

    by just following Simple rules.
    Precaution are always better then cure.

  • paritosh - 10 years ago

    poor decision.. no thought put into it .. how can we ban cabs ? its imp in metros where public transport is crap.. specially in ncr.. focus should be on creating norms for thse companies for back ground check n driver education.. not on shutting them down

  • Rajat - 10 years ago

    Did the central government ban all the private busses after that gangrape of girl in Delhi in bus. No. Uber is not reaponsible for Rape. Its the society and the law making and enforcing auyhority who are responsible. Govt decision is totally discouraging business minded people as they would fear such mishappenings..

  • Shikha - 10 years ago

    YES.... Wud an America company hav employed a driver without police verification in thr country too????
    Ans NO
    These companies sud be banned

  • vasudha - 10 years ago

    Make police more effective make checkings more effective... dont bann the service it is bread and butter for many other famlies its not there fault.

  • amit sehrawat - 10 years ago

    Its better to blame the police n the govt. Which does not check whether the rule is followed or not. The rule of law us state's responsibility.

  • amit sehrawat - 10 years ago

    Its better to blame the police n the govt. Which does not check whether the rule is followed or not. The rule of law us state's responsibility.

  • sid - 10 years ago

    Guys just dont go bashing the gov for all the steps it is taking, Uber is being banned because it violated security norms. This will set an example to other cab services which will make sure that government norms are followed.
    Action is being taken against the accused but Uber should also be taught a lesson for not tracking its drivers and having no background check for drivers.
    Completely fair decision.

  • Raj - 10 years ago

    this is stupid. What's the reason to ban uber in Delhi or elsewhere in India. It's the only solution that these guys can come up with? What they need to do is stop the services for a while and do a thorough background check on all the uber drivers, better yet, on all the drivers that represent any such companies that provides such a service.

  • Vikas - 10 years ago

    It is crazy to burn a house if one rat is found. What about FAKE character certificate from Delhi Police. Uber cab service is still better than unorganised sector. Which multinational will invest in India if we ban big companies on this kind of irregularities. Rules should be implemented with good intentions rather than finding a scapegoat to satisfy opposition.

  • sHWETA - 10 years ago


  • GM arora - 10 years ago

    It is totally wrong to ban cab services. In case incident happens in any state run bus or train, whether government would stop such services. In fsct the root cause is corruption in providing licence, police verification, etc. There is urgent need to make all the government run machinery more professional and corruption free.

  • kirti - 10 years ago

    Delhi police should be banned, who gave character certificate to the culprit. Not uber cab.

  • sreekar - 10 years ago

    what do u want to prove by banning uber cabs ? if a cab driver makes a mistake u want to ban the whole company? here in India so many cases r there where police had committed rape ! have u ever banned police? we r cheated by corrupt politicians! have u banned politics ? wakeup Indians ...! grow up modi sarkar

  • Abhishek - 10 years ago

    i dont think so that banning the Uber cab service is the solution to the problem. Until and unless the mindset of the people is changed

  • Sid - 10 years ago

    How is Uber at fault? This could have happened with a yellow/black or any radio taxi. IS GOVT GOING TO SACK THE DELHI POLICE OFFICER WHO HAVE A CHARACTER CERTIFICATE TO THE DRIVE ??????

  • Mufu - 10 years ago

    I agree with a previous comment the Govt is shifting the focus from its own inadequacies of creating a secure environment for women in Delhi/NCR region onto Uber - which in any case doesn't recruit drivers and only provides a platform for the user to connect with the service provider. Spend money in educating the masses on respecting women instead of taking potshots. Uber is a Godsend for thousands who have to endure a calamity is getting transportation without getting swindled.

  • saleem - 10 years ago

    Thats crazy..!! Okay, lets ban the Government if we find a corrupt Govt official or politician.. #GrowUp #ModiSarkar

  • dev - 10 years ago

    It must be ban without any option all over india . I do have great confidence on our government to retain the respects for women..

  • anitasethi - 10 years ago

    Only women cab drivers should be provided for women any time during day or night and must show her ID proof b4 journey

  • Vinit - 10 years ago

    Problem 1: Rape accused in one of the previous instances dared to attempt this again(Scared of Law ??--> No). He was set free without any harsh punishment. That made him think, another wont do any harm..

    Problem 2: A US based co. dared to have an all india permit cab ply on roads for intercity pickups . Transport departments Lapse ? Yes...But any action on Them ? --> No

    Problem 3: Fake character certificate individual is carrying. Any action -> No

    Problem 4: No GPS in Cab..Does police do any random checks on cabs and fine appropriately. They are busy taking bribes. Any action on them ? --> No.

    Problems are many if looked holistically. Without any personal/professional bias, With a ban on Uber , home ministry, govts/police/transport dept are just trying to save their own ass...& make these emotional people of country big fool..

  • Monkeywithagun - 10 years ago

    Not at all, it's like banning school buses just because driver was drunk and got into an accident. You don't ban school buses you make sure that you check the back ground of the driver before hiring from hence forth

  • animesh bharti - 10 years ago

    Perfectly right decision and those supporting uber are just of pro american mindset

  • Nikhil - 10 years ago

    Banning uber is silly even in ncr. The govt is just showing that they are doing something in this case. The company did what it could like verifying the character of that driver from a govt department I.e. Police department. So actually it's the government fault and govt is putting the blame on uber. Govt should take the responsibility of this. And remove the ban on uber. They can't ban Indian govt because it happened under Indian government territory.

  • amits - 10 years ago

    The issue is not the company alone. The issue is all around. Govt regulations, police department for criminal check, Uber kind of services which misuse existing laws. There should be limited companies only for transport support. We have number of autos, rickshaw, electric rikhsaw etc. Why not have regulations with limited permitted auto, taxi companies onlyrather than dial a cab, meru, grab taxi etc etc huge taxi's no control on traffic, laws traffic rule etc. Every govt minister talks in air. Even if u get women drivers for women is it confirmed that women drivers back ground is clean ? Arnt they into criminal activities.

  • Jayati - 10 years ago

    a responsible cab company cannot be irresponsible in its selection of its drivers. After all it's about security. Not only rape other heinous crimes can be committed by such cab drivers. The authenticity of the driver is the most imp thing. You just can't sit back and count notes.

  • arun - 10 years ago

    Stupid action by govt.

  • Avinash Agrawal - 10 years ago

    Uber should not be banned at all. Systems need to be implemented to seek fresh licenses with biometrics in the city they would ply in being its base. All criminal records need to centralized with biometrics across the country so that any person can be instantly tracked for any criminal record. Its all about systems and integration. Don't fool us by banning uber and making travel more complicated! Check your backyard!!!

  • Jimmy Singh - 10 years ago

    Any business that seeks to provide services must ensure strict quality control measures. ..In India however almost all businesses seek to cut corners to make profits....which is why we have substancard products and shoddy services....In the end leading to such horrendous acts being meted out to customer.... at the same time governments need to step in and not join hands with greedy businesses and ensure the safety of citizens by strict implementation of the law of the land. ....

  • ANIRBAN SAHA - 10 years ago

    rape is a henious crime,it has been commited by a single person only but that does not prove that an organization is responsible for this.But I think uber should be more serious about when he recruited any driver or any person into their organization.After proper police verification one should be recruited. GPS system must be installed in every car,police patrolling also needed here.If our government banned this someone may lost its job , someone may face difficulties in road specially BPO employee those who are doing their duty in night shift.

  • amit - 10 years ago

    There should be a ban on home ministry because a senior ips officer gave a clean character certificate to the driver.

  • Vipul Gada - 10 years ago

    to ban a company does not prevent rape. Government should grow up!!

  • Priya - 10 years ago

    India does not have a cab problem, we have a rape culture problem. Banning Uber just gives the government the appearance of doing something when in fact nothing is being done to address the underlying culture issues of prevalent paternalistic rape culture.

  • Atul - 10 years ago

    As we should not ask Times Now to appologies for the comments made by mr goswami...... Compani should take action and preventive steps for future. Legal action should be taken for negligence in recruitment process and other actions ...... How will banning the company be good for victim ..... In general .... Or for the other employes of the company

  • Prateek - 10 years ago

    I just hope, cause hope is all I have, for the appalling regulations and justice system; for the nepotistic dynasty rule; for greedy business houses; for corrupt law and order maintenance; and mostly the gullible and susceptible public, to change for betterment and lift this nation to the potential that the entire world sees India has!

  • Ranjeeta - 10 years ago

    This is not the first rape in India. So please put some sense to men and not the cab company.

  • Alala - 10 years ago

    Uber has many enemies as they have disrupted the cab and rental space owned by political heavyweights. This is an opportunity to drive out another multi-national who will not line pockets. Hope they fight back and not give up on India.

  • Alala - 10 years ago

    Uber has many enemies as they have disrupted the cab and rental space owned by political heavyweights. This is an opportunity to drive out another multi-national who will not line pockets. Hope they fight back and not give up on India.

  • Prabhakar - 10 years ago

    Uber should be banned but not before banning women attending late night parties, getting drunk and become vulnerable to the risk of assault. Not before banning MNCs from having late night parties and making the younger generation drunkards. Not before banning women groups and mindless activists who keep asking why not wear skimpy dress, why not drink, why not party etc. Safety should start as a self discipline. If people keep demanding safety from every predator, then we need to keep one police escort to every woman who goes out. Every one must act responsibly. Animals are there everywhere in the guys of human beings. The vulnerable should do their bit towards self protection.

  • Naveen - 10 years ago

    Uber is under no fault at all...
    It is law & order of India which is not stick.

  • Praveen - 10 years ago

    The ban on uber is not going to help since it is not the root of the problem.Banning uber clearly appears to be a partiality on behalf of the government.Such crimes occur in autorickshaws too .Does that mean we should ban them.In my opinion we should all collectively protest ahainst this, and not let the narrow min

  • yogesh - 10 years ago

    if tomorrow any govt employee caught in such case will they ban govt ?

    if any company manger caught in such case will you close that company ?

  • rajesh - 10 years ago

    Better to have lady drivers equipped with tasers and pepper sprays with knowledge of self defense techniques. Safer for women travelers and maybe men too. Always had a bad experience with male drivers

  • Srikanth - 10 years ago

    Will the government Ban Delhi Police also?

    Delhi govt is banning Uber for the negligence on Uber's part, and what about negligence by Delhi Police in issuing clean chit to this criminal?

  • rajesh - 10 years ago

    banning uber cab is not right option..mindset matters day u will ask for ban on autorikshaw...its not feasible..

  • TJ - 10 years ago

    It is really sad what has happened. I really sympathize with the victim.

    With respect to the ban on uber, does the Indian government ban the Railways when a lady gets raped in train, does it ban public transport buses when these things happen in the buses? Why not tackle the fundamental issue rather than run around businesses that provide a much higher level of service than the government can? I am no Uber lover but the issue is not above Uber but about the rape. The government of Delhi is merely trying to put focus on Uber to avoid the heat.

  • Manoj K - 10 years ago

    Delhi govt is banning Uber for the negligence on Uber's part, and what about negligence by Delhi Police in issuing clean chit to this criminal? Is that how Delhi govt and law agencies want to make Delhi and India look like a banana republic by saving their own cronies and penalizing the entity who weighted on the certificate issued by the one of it's own agency from the government to let this shady character operate a taxi.

  • akumar - 10 years ago

    It should be banned all india .....only women cabs should be allowed for women...

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