Would you allow the Redskins to leave Washington for three years if it meant they would return in 2018 with new ownership?


  • JDee - 10 years ago

    100 times out of 100 yes! BTW he can keep the name, nothing but bad karma associated with it now. New team, new name, new colors, new owner and new fans if the old ones don't like it.

  • tkandjed - 10 years ago

    Can someone forward this to Roger Goodell at Nfl headquarters?...maybe something good will come out of it...t

  • Taxi Slim - 10 years ago

    I'm 70, and I went to my first Redskins game in Sammy Baugh's last year, which was in 1952.

    If I knew I only had 10 years to live, I'd give up the Redskins for 9 of them just to get rid of Snyder.

    Daniel Snyder has got all the attributes of a dog, except loyalty. He makes Peter Angelos and Jerry Jones seem like statesmen by comparison. Nobody who hasn't suffered through 15 years of this man's ownership has any idea of what Redskins fans have gone through. Just move your whole sorry team to Sarah Palin's back yard or something. Anywhere but here.

  • Fito Garcia - 10 years ago

    i love the redskins im not a fan of the ownership but I couldn't go without my team for 3 years. I would rather boycott going to games until he sells the team. Anyone down ?

  • Bob bee - 10 years ago

    It's not the team. It's the owner. Dump Dan Snyder.

  • Michael Whitaker - 10 years ago

    As a cowboy fan I think it would be wrong to make another fan base suffer the Redskins.You can't run from your problems,don't Redskins fans realize that?Maybe Danny will smarten up like Jerry.

  • A.LEWIS - 10 years ago

    Funny there have been many teams in diffrent sports that haven't been successful in decades, the Raiders and Jacksonville to name a few, nobody asking them to leave and come back after 3 years. Remember we lost a Baseball Team for over 30 YEARS, NOT GOING TO FALL FOR THE BANNA IN THE TAIL PIPE TRICK AGAIN!

  • Tom Hemby - 10 years ago

    It sickens me to see the team owner and general manager remain off the grid and allow the QB confusion to promote disarray within the coaching staff and players. Its consuming and instigating the media to perpetuate insecurity. Its their fault more so than the players,don't forget this is a TEAM. The coach is forced to coach within this vortex and the Ayers forced to endure the office allowing it. It seems the office loves drama. I am a real skins fan. Dan grow up be a man, RG3 is over with this team for more reasons than his play. Get over it and let the coach and players have their stability and move on!!!

  • Cameron Brennan - 10 years ago

    No way, Danny may be a better fan than owner,but ain't no one gonna fight harder to keep the Redskins tradition and name alive. All these Damn fair weather fans piss me off.

  • Jack - 10 years ago

    Jamie Walker gives me faith. Keep rockin it from #841 of the TRUE Washingtonian's.

  • Jamie Walker - 10 years ago

    Currently, only 809 real Redskins fans have answered this poll.

    I'm tired of all the negativity surrounding the Redskins.

    Everyone forgets they were unfairly docked $36M dollars by the NFL. Everyone forgets how Redskins fans were chanting "RG3" a season before he was drafted. I was there. Dan Snyder listened to the fans and knew they needed to take a QB in that draft. He went out and got the Heisman winner.

    Then RG3 had a miraculous year, leading us to the playoffs before being injured and losing a game we were in to the eventual Super Bowl champs.

    Injuries happen. They change careers. They change directions of franchises.

    If you're truly a Redskins fan, I think you'd understand that while things may not be going well this season, they'll get better. This will be the first off-season since drafting RG3 that the Redskins will have a full complement of draft picks AND a fully available salary cap. I mean, it's Year 1 under a rookie coach's watch, with 3 inexperienced QBs, a terrible OLine, young corners, old safeties, and our best pass rusher is on IR and likely done with the Redskins. Did we think we'd be awesome this year? Let's be serious. The needs are obvious, but there's plenty of talent on this team.

    So be patient. That, or find a new team.

  • Dennis Handel - 10 years ago

    As long as they're coming back as the Redskins and without any financial obligation to either Dan Snyder or any other NFL team, yes.absolutely. This team is do unfortunate to have Dan Snyder as an owner, native Americans would rather boycott the name Redskins instead of the name of the tram that pillaged raped and murdered their people. All though I believe that is mostly a conspiracy, it's an attempt to put enough pressure on Danny boy to give up the team. He may be good at making money, but he is not a good man. My personal encounters with him make me sadly regret being a supporter of the Redskins because it puts money in his pocket.


  • Debbie - 10 years ago

    I waa born and raised a Redskins' fan. Having no team for 3 years would be tough, but if that was the only way to get rid of Snyder, I'd be willing to wait!

  • Dan Snyder - 10 years ago

    Dear Beloved Redskin Fans,

    As you benevolent king...uh...owner...I feel that there might be a hint of 'unrest' amongst the faithful. Fear not! Empty suit Bruce and I are hard at works scouting college players for this upcoming draft...we have watched at least an hour of tape, in-between calling our attorneys to sue anyone who crosses our path.

    We are willing and ready to do whatever it takes to bring more money...i mean a championship to DC!

    Btw - beer sales will be going up, as will parking - we will need the money to pay a 3rd coach, not to coach, next year.



  • Benjamin - 10 years ago

    The name Pam is racist. I'm tired of people saying that, it's a poor excuse for being ignorant.

  • pam johnson - 10 years ago

    yeah cuz the name is racist

  • Tom Castleman - 10 years ago

    Mike Shanahan must be laughing his a#* off! Ha!

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