Should Frats and Sororieties allow their members to wear gear at protests?


  • CDownerBozeman - 10 years ago

    AAAAAnd I just caught up and you kinda covered this. Carry on. Love you guys.

  • CDownerBozeman - 10 years ago

    I think the initial response of AKA and DST was very old school and misguided. The secondary issue i had with this announcement was the fact that everybody assumed the all the members agreed to the rule. All the Black Greeks on my twitter TL from every frat and sorority (well except Iotas cuz we all know there's only one and apparently I don't follow him) saying that the no letters rule was ridiculous. Most said they were going to ignore it. I could totally see someone up in the ranks saying "well it's good that they are protesting but let's remind them not to wear letters" You're right Rod they should've STFU and let their members do what they were ALREADY doing supporting the movement.
    Final note- you said earlier that you didn't join an org because they seemed to only be about stepping and partying. That's all people see because that's the fun part non-members seem to gravitate towards. The undergrad members have community service and GPA requirements in order to stay in the org once you graduate your Grad chapter (usually city based not college based) do service projects year-round. But just like when Black people do good in the community, you don't hear about the good things Greek orgs do, you only hear about the bad. And to be fair if you're NOT in a Greek org it's probably not on your mind once you leave college, so why would you know what the grad chapters are doing? Unless you know a lot of Greeks you probably never hear what good things are going on within the Black Greek "bubble".
    Anyway AKA and DST made a big mistake with this one and because of the nature of news it'll make the front page. Funny that the retraction from AKA is met with smirks and eyerolls when the change came from the member's upset responses. Black Greek orgs do a lot of good and I've seen many of them at protests letters and all.

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