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  • Valerie - 10 years ago

    I know there is a lot of people that disagree with the Preachers of L.A. But I feel that it is good to be transparent As far as having everyday problems and real life situations as preachers. But the best part is how they come out and overcome their mess.I just love it....

  • shirley - 10 years ago

    Mary Mary is my show. I love Erica Campbell,s music and the way she handles herself and family.

  • Donna - 10 years ago

    Absolutely love the fun and excitement of "IT TAKES A CHURCH". Having the entire church oversee potential love was beautiful! They need to do a follow up!

  • Dallas - 10 years ago

    Thicker than Water is the only faith base show that empower people.

  • Maria Pickett - 10 years ago

    Thicker Than Water is an amazing family reality tv show

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